Explore Delhi
Northern Ireland
Courses Offered in Wales
Doctor of Medicine
Bachelor of Nursing
Bachelor of Nursing
Ancient History BA
Biochemistry B Sc
Chemistry B Sc
French and Italian BA
French BA
German and Music BA
Ocean Science B Sc
Philosophy and Politics BA
Physics and Mathematics B Sc
Medical Ultrasound M Sc
French PhD
NeuroScience M Phil
Nursing M Phil
Psychology PhD
B Sc Biochemistry
BEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering
B Sc Economics
MEng Electronic Engineering
BA German and Economics
BA Graphic Communication
B Sc Information Technology
B Sc Mathematics
B Sc Psychology
PhD Biological Science
MA Medieval Studies
Electrical and Electronic Engineering MEng
M Phil Physics
B Sc Pure Mathematics
BA Economic and Social History
Post Graduate Certificate in Education
Genetics MD
Accounting and Management B Sc
Ancient History and Italian BA
M Sc Management
Architectural Engineering MEng
Business Economics with a European Language B Sc
Chemistry and Physics B Sc
Civil and Environmental Engineering BEng
Computer Systems Engineering BEng
Computer Systems Engineering MEng
Cultural Criticism and French BA
Cultural Criticism and Spanish BA
Economics and Social Philosophy and Applied Ethics B Sc
Economics with a European Language B Sc
English Literature and German BA
European Politics and International Relations B Sc
European Union Studies B Sc
German and Japanese BA
Post Graduate Diploma in Nursing
History and Sociology B Sc
Integrated Engineering MEng
Italian BA
Italian and Music BA
Law and Criminology LLB
Mathematics and its Applications B Sc
Mathematics, Operational Research and Statistics B Sc
Nursing Children and Young People with Cancer B Sc
Physics with Astromony MPhys
Religious and Theological Studies BA
Social Policy B Sc
Social Policy and Sociology B Sc
Spanish BA
Theoretical and Computational Physics B Sc
Genetic Epidemiology and Bioinformatics PgDip
Christian Doctrine MTh
Clinical Pharmacy M Sc
English Literature M Phil
Communications Engineering and Signal Processing M Sc
Critical Care PgDip
Education M Sc
Electrical Energy Systems M Sc
Housing M Sc
International Journalism MA
Journalism PgDip
Marine Policy M Sc
Master of Clinical Dentistry MClinDent
Operational Research, Applied Statistics and Risk M Sc
Prospective Students Pain Management PgCert
Physiotherapy Diploma
Positive Approaches to Challenging Behavior M Sc
Positive Approaches to Challenging Behavior Diploma
Master of Business Administration
Diploma in English
Biomedical Science B Sc
Dentistry BDS
English Language and Communication BA
German BA
History BA
History and Italian BA
Pharmacy MPharma
Occupational Therapy B Sc
Zoology B Sc
Bioinformatics M Sc
Doctorate in Clinical Psychology
Palliative Care M Sc
Public Health MPH
Biological Science M Phil
Biological Science PhD
NeuroScience PhD
NeuroScience MD
BEng Civil Engineering
BA English
B Sc Computer Science
MEng Mechanical Engineering
BEng Mechanical Engineering
B Sc Software Engineering
M Sc Mechanical Engineering
Marine Biology and Oceanography B Sc
B Sc Applied Mathematics
BA Geography
BA Politics
Translation Studies MA
Economics PhD
LLM International Commercial Law
Accounting with a European Language B Sc
Ancient History and History BA
Archaeology and Philosophy BA
Banking and Finance B Sc
Business Management with a European Language B Sc
Business Studies and Japanese B Sc
Cultural Criticism and English Language BA
Cultural Criticism and English Literature BA
Cultural Criticism and Welsh BA
Ecology B Sc
English Language and English Literature BA
English Literature and Archaeology BA
English Literature and History BA
M Sc in Nursing
History and Social Philosophy and Applied Ethics BA
Italian and Philosophy BA
Journalism, Media and Cultural Criticism BA
Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies BA
Mathematics with a Computing option B Sc
Mathematics and Religious Studies BA
Music BMus
Physics and Music B Sc
Politics B Sc
Politics, Diploma in Etudes Politiques B Sc
Radiotherapy and Oncology B Sc
Spanish and Economics BA
Welsh BA
Aging, Health and Disease PgDip
Genetic Epidemiology and Bioinformatics M Sc
Genetic Epidemiology and Bioinformatics PgCert
Christian Ethics MTh
Clinical Dermatology PgDip
Clinical Pharmacy Diploma
Early Medieval Society and Culture MA
End of Life Palliative Care PgCert
Equality and Diversity M Sc
Financial Economics M Sc
Forensic Linguistics MA
History and Archaeology of the Greek and Roman World MA
International Pharmacoeconomics and Health Economics M Sc
Managing Care in Peri-operative Practice M Sc
Managing Care in Peri-operative Practice Diploma
Master of Laws LLM
Nursing DNurs
Operational Research and Applied Statistics M Sc
Orthopedic Engineering M Sc
Port and Shipping Administration Diploma
Professional Conservation M Sc
Regeneration Studies M Sc
Asian Religions MA
Psychology Diploma
Screening PgDip
Sports Physiotherapy Diploma
Wound Healing and Tissue Repair M Sc
Ancient History M Phil
Astronomical Instrumentation and CMB Studies PhD
Biodiversity and Ecological Processes MD
BioScience MRes
Cardiovascular Science MD
Clinical Kinaesiology PhD
Distributed Collaborative Computing PhD
Knowledge and Information Systems M Phil
Connective Tissue Biology MD
Computational Engineering M Phil
Medical Engineering and Medical Physics Engineering PhD
Geo-biology Research Group M Phil
Housing PhD
Infection, Immunity and Inflammation M Phil
Innovations in Social Research M Phil
Magmatic and Hydrothermal Processes Research Group M Phil
Manufacturing Engineering PhD
Metals in Synthesis and Homogeneous Catalysis PhD
Metals in Synthesis and Homogeneous Catalysis M Phil
Nanophysics PhD
Organic Synthesis PhD
Spatial Planning and City Environments M Phil
Structural Biophysics PhD
Tissue Engineering and Reparative Dentistry M Phil
M Phil Health Science
PhD Health Science
BA International Relations
Linguistics MA
MPhys Theoretical Physics
Marketing MBA
B Sc Geology with Physical Geography
Bachelor of Medical Science
Forestry B Sc
Master of Chiropractic
English MA
MEng Product Design Engineering
Law with Italian LLB
Law with Criminology LLB
Diploma in Marketing
Post Graduate Diploma in Specialist Community Public Health Nursing
M Sc Marketing
BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics
BEng Aerospace Engineering
MEng Medical Engineering
B Sc Tourism Management
BA History and Geography
BA History and American Studies
Master of Physics
Creative Writing M Phil
Electronic Engineering M Sc
Accounting PhD
BA Interior Design
Diploma in Finance
Diploma in Law and Management
Cognitive Linguistics MA
BA Business Management
Post Graduate Certificate in Palliative Care
BA Translation
Sport Science B Sc
BA Classical Civilization and French
BA Egyptology and Ancient History
BA Egyptology and Classical Civilization
BA European History with Welsh
BA French and Italian with Business Studies
BA German and English
BA German and French
BA International Relations and Modern History JH
BA Italian with Business Studies
BA Italian and American Studies
BA Italian and Spanish with Business Studies
BA Language Studies and French with Business Studies
BA Latin and Italian
BA Latin and Language Studies
BA Media Studies and French
BA Medieval Studies and History
BA Public and Media Relations
BA Spanish and Economics
BA Spanish and European Politics
BA Spanish and Politics
Social Care Law LLM
Social Work MA
Strategic Information Systems M Sc
Sustainability, Planning and Environmental Policy M Sc
Theory and Practice of Sustainable Design M Sc
Wound Healing and Tissue Repair Diploma
Ancient History PhD
Biodiversity and Ecological Processes PhD
Biomedical Imaging M Phil
Chemical Biology PhD
Chemical Biology M Phil
Clinical Kinaesiology MPhil
Mobile Communications PhD
Culture and Identities PhD
Culture and Identities M Phil
Education and the Knowledge Economy M Phil
Computational Engineering EngD
Mechanical and Structural Performance Engineering EngD
Medical Engineering and Medical Physics Engineering M Phil
Geo-environment Research Group M Phil
Heterogeneous Catalysis and Nanostructural Surfaces PhD
Heterogeneous Catalysis and Nanostructural Surfaces M Phil
Industrial Engineering PhD
Infection, Immunity and Inflammation MD
Integrative NeuroScience PhD
Italian PhD
Italian M Phil
Logistics and Operations Management PhD
Metabolism, Diabetes and its Complications PhD
Nanophysics M Phil
Organic Synthesis M Phil
Physical Organic Chemistry PhD
Physical Organic Chemistry M Phil
Religious Studies or Theology PhD
Religious Studies or Theology M Phil
Solid State and Materials Chemistry M Phil
Spatial Planning and City Environments PhD
Welsh M Phil
M Phil Computer Science
BA Classical Civilization
BA Economics and Politics
BA English and History
B Sc Physics with Nanotechnology
M Phil English
Forestry M Sc
M Sc Civil Engineering
Translation Studies PhD
B Sc Forensic Biology
B Sc Financial Mathematics
BEng Medical Engineering
M Sc Health Care Management
B Sc Mathematics with Accounting
BEng Materials Science and Engineering
Ecology MRes
MA Medical Humanities
Finance PhD
Diploma in Islamic Banking and Finance
BEng Computer Systems Engineering
Diploma in Creative Writing
Post Graduate Diploma in Law
BA European History with Spanish
BA French and German with Legal Studies
BA French and Italian with Computer Studies
BA French and Italian with Legal Studies
BA German and American Studies
BA German and European Politics
BA German and Welsh with Legal Studies
BA Greek and Ancient History
BA Italian with Computer Studies
BA Italian with Legal Studies
BA Italian and Geography
BA Italian and Welsh with Legal Studies
BA Language Studies and Ancient History
BA Media Studies and English
BA Politics and English
BA Social History and Social Policy
BA Spanish and Welsh with Business Studies
BA Welsh and Ancient History
BA Welsh and History
B Sc International Management Science
B Sc Business Management with Marketing
B Sc Business Management and Economics
Diploma in Composition
Master of Environmental Science
Business Studies BA
Economics B Sc
German and Italian BA
Physics B Sc
Physics MPhys
Finance M Sc
Clinical Dermatology M Sc
Doctor of Clinical Psychology
English PhD
French M Phil
History PhD
Nursing M Phil
Nursing PhD
B Sc Biology
B Sc Biology
BA French and Economics
PhD Mathematics
M Sc Mechanical Engineering
PhD Physics
Electronic Engineering BEng
German and Politics BA
B Sc Medical Biochemistry
M Sc Criminology and Criminal Justice
Archaeology PhD
Ancient History and Cultural Criticism BA
Ancient History and German BA
Ancient History and Philosophy BA
Ancient History and Religious Studies BA
Archaeology and History BA
Architectural Engineering BEng
Civil and Environmental Engineering MEng
Criminology and Social Policy B Sc
Dental Therapy and Hygiene Diploma
Earth Science MESci
English Language and German BA
Environmental Geo-Science MESci
Exploration and Resource Geology MESci
Geology International MESci
German and Mathematics BA
History and Philosophy BA
History and Religious Studies BA
History and Spanish BA
History and Welsh BA
Medical Engineering MEng
Music and Welsh BA
Optometry B Sc
Welsh and Religious Studies BA
Accounting and Finance M Sc
Prospective Students Advanced Surgical Practice PgDip
English with Creative Writing BA
Business Administration MBA
Catalysis M Sc
Church History MTh
Clinical Engineering M Sc
Critical Care PgCert
Environmental Design of Buildings M Sc
European Neolithic MA
Genetic Counseling M Sc
History MA
International Economics, Banking and Finance M Sc
Journalism Studies MA
Medical Education M Sc
Music, Culture and Politics MA
Nursing PgCert
Obstetric and Gynaecological Ultrasound PgCert
Palliative Care PgCert
Political Communications MA
Political Theory M Sc
Post Qualifying Social Work M Sc
Practical Dermatology M Sc
Sports Physiotherapy M Sc
Teaching and Practice of Creative Writing MA
Welsh History MA
Welsh Y Gymraeg MA
Applied Clinical Research and Public Health PhD
Applied Clinical Research and Public Health M Phil
Cardiovascular Science PhD
Clinical Epidemiology PhD
Clinical Epidemiology M Phil
Geometric Computing and Computer Vision M Phil
Mobile Communications M Phil
Conservation PhD
Environment and Sustainability Engineering EngD
Computational Engineering PhD
B Sc Management Science and Mathematics
B Sc Management Science with Accounting
BEng Electronics with Computer Science
B Sc Communications and Internet Technology
HND Sports Science
BN Adult Nursing with Carmarthen
BN Nursing with Mental Health
B Sc Medical Science and Humanities
Most Advanced Initial Degree in Osteopathy
LLB Law with Business
B Sc Biochemistry and Genetics
B Sc Computer Science with German
B Sc Mathematics and Geo-Informatics
B Sc Physics with Sports Science
MA Contemporary Celtic Studies
MA European Literary and Cultural Studies
MA Modernism
MA Teaching English as a Foreign Language
PhD Ancient History and Civilization
PhD Ancient History and Medieval Studies
PhD Business Management
M Phil Nanotechnology
MRes Environmental Management
M Sc Computational Modelling and Finite Elements
M Sc Materials Engineering
M Sc Environmental Dynamics and Climatic Change
M Sc Advanced Clinical Practice with Infection Control option
PGCert Chronic Condition Management
PhD Medicine
M Sc Trauma Surgery
MRes Logic and Computation
M Sc Mathematics and Computing for Finance
Agriculture, Conservation and Environment B Sc
Business Studies and Marketing B Sc
Management with Accounting BA
Design and Technology Secondary Education B Sc
Electronics with Hardware Systems B Sc
Heritage, Archaeology and History BA
Welsh History with Archaeology BA
Law with English LLB
Law with Social Policy LLB
Combined Studies BA
Creative Studies and English Language BA
English Language with Media Studies BA
Media Studies with a Modern Language BA
Media Studies with Theatre BA
Banking and Finance BA Joint Degrees
Banking and Finance B Sc Joint Degrees
Creative Studies and German BA Joint Degrees
Cymraeg with French BA Joint Degrees
Cymraeg with German BA Joint Degrees
English with Spanish BA Joint Degrees
French with Banking BA Joint Degrees
French with English BA Joint Degrees
French with English Language BA Joint Degrees
French with Music BA Joint Degrees
German with English Language BA Joint Degrees
Italian with Banking BA Joint Degrees
Italian with Business Studies BA Joint Degrees
Spanish with Creative Studies BA Joint Degrees
Health and Social Care BA
Islamic Banking and Finance MA
Management and Finance MA
International Banking and Development Finance M Sc
Molecular Science for Medicine M Sc
Analytical Chemistry PgDip
Communication Networks and Protocols M Phil
Professional Writing M Phil
Diploma in Cymraeg
Optical Communications PhD
Organic Electronics PhD
Early Modern Literature MA
Agricultural Systems PhD
Agroforestry PhD
Health and Social Care Leadership M Sc
Health Science M Sc
Midwifery M Phil
Welsh History M Phil
Criminology and Law MA
Consumer Law M Phil
Banking Law M Phil
BA Welsh and Classical Civilization
BA Welsh and English
BA Economics and Social Policy
B Sc Economics and Geography
B Sc Management Science with Finance
B Sc Management Science with Marketing
B Sc Sports Science
Bachelor in Midwifery
BN Nursing with Child
B Sc Clinical Physiology with Cardiology
LLB Law and Welsh
BA Computer Science with French
B Sc Computing and Communications
B Sc Mathematics with Welsh
B Sc Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology
MA Comparative Journalism
MA Translation with Language Technology
M Phil Ancient History and Civilization
PhD Ancient History
PhD Classical Archaeology
M Phil Civil and Computational Engineering
M Sc Aerospace Engineering
PGDip Chemical Engineering
M Sc Medical Radiation Physics
M Sc Environmental Biology with Conservation and Resource Management
Doctorate in Professional Practice
PGCert Advanced Clinical Practice with Infection Control option
M Sc Chronic Condition Management
M Sc Public Health and Partnerships in Care
LLM International Commercial and Maritime Law
Diploma in Trauma Surgery
M Sc Modelling, Uncertainty and Data
Master of Biology
Administration and Management BA
Marine Chemistry B Sc
Childhood Studies BA
Substance Misuse FdA
English Language with Film Studies BA
Music and Creative Writing BA
Music and Film Studies BA
Accounting and Italian BA Joint Degrees
Accounting and Spanish BA Joint Degrees
Creative Studies and French BA Joint Degrees
Cymraeg with Italian BA Joint Degrees
Cymraeg with Spanish BA Joint Degrees
English with Italian BA Joint Degrees
French with Business Studies BA Joint Degrees
French with Creative Studies BA Joint Degrees
French with Film Studies BA Joint Degrees
German with Film Studies BA Joint Degrees
Italian with Creative Studies BA Joint Degrees
Spanish with Business Studies BA Joint Degrees
Spanish with Economics BA Joint Degrees
Applied Marine Biology B Sc
Sport Science with Physical Education B Sc
Finance MA
Business with Consumer Psychology M Sc
Analytical Chemistry M Sc
Environmental Chemistry M Sc
Advanced Visualization, Virtual Environments and Computer Animation MRes
Medical Visualization and Simulation M Phil
Creative Studies M Phil
Drama M Phil
Nanotechnology and Microfabrication M Sc
Electrical Materials Science M Phil
Optoelectronics PhD
Renewable Materials M Phil
Tropical Ecosystems M Phil
Health Studies M Phil
Arbitration Law M Phil
Comparative Corporate Governance M Phil
Employment Law M Phil
Mergers Law PhD
Banking Law PhD
Insurance Law PhD
European Law PhD
European Commercial Law PhD
Diploma in Writing with Practice and Context
Translation Studies PhD by Practice
Consumer Psychology with Business MA
Applied Behaviour Analysis PgCert
Bachelor of Music
Archaeology BA
Philosophy BA
Civil Engineering MEng
German BA
Film Studies BA
French and Philosophy BA
Marketing BA
Nursing Studies B Sc
Zoology B Sc
Archaeology MA
Human Resources Management M Sc
Late Antique and Byzantine Studies MA
Nursing PhD
Philosophy PhD
BA Ancient History
Psychology M Phil
MEng Civil Engineering
BA Economics
BEng Electronic Engineering
BA English Literature
BA Politics and French
BA History and French
BA History
B Sc Physical Geography
MA Classics
M Sc Environmental Management
Electronic Engineering MEng
English Language BA
Environmental Science B Sc
BEng Aeronautical Engineering
Archaeology M Phil
Economics PhD
M Sc Human Resources Management
Genetics PhD
Accounting and Finance B Sc
Architectural Studies B Sc
Banking and Finance B Sc
Criminology and Sociology B Sc
Clinical Practice B Sc
Economics and Politics B Sc
English Language and Italian BA
English Literature and Religious Studies BA
French and English Literature BA
Prospective Students French and Social Philosophy and Applied Ethics BA
Italian and Politics BA
Japanese BA
Law and French LLB
Marine Geo-Science International MESci
Medical Pharmacology B Sc
Music and Religious Studies BA
Operating Department Practice Diploma
Politics and Religious Studies BA
Social Philosophy and Applied Ethics and Religious Studies BA
Social Science B Sc
Welsh and Spanish BA
Acute Conditions PgCert
Analytic and Modern European Philosophy MA
Bar Professional Training Vocational Training
Canon Law LLM
Chronic Conditions PgCert
English Literature PhD
Composition MMus
Critical and Cultural Theory MA
Doctorate in Educational Psychology
Early Celtic Studies MA
European Legal Studies LLM
Geography, Policy and Practice M Sc
Health Science PhD
Implantology Diploma
International Economics and Public Policy M Sc
International Public Relations MA
Medical Education PgDip
Midwifery PgCert
Neuromusculoskeletal Physiotherapy PgDip
Pain Management PgDip
Physical Organic Chemistry M Sc
Politics and International Relations Laurea Magistrale M Sc
Post Qualification Doctorate in Educational Psychology DEdPsy
Psychiatry PgDip
Radiography M Sc
Religion in Late Antiquity MA
Strategic Marketing M Sc
Tissue Engineering M Sc
Welsh History MA
Accounting and Finance PhD
Certificate in Womens Studies
Astrophysics MPhys
Geography BA
Business Economics BA
Chemistry B Sc
Computer Science B Sc
Electronic and Communication Engineering BEng
French and German BA
French and Mathematics BA
Geology MESci
History BA
French and History BA
Sociology BA
Public Administration MPA
Computing and Internet Systems M Sc
Linguistics PhD
German M Phil
German PhD
Hispanic Studies PhD
Philosophy M Phil
B Sc Geography
B Sc Geography
B Sc Quantity Surveying
MA English
PhD Economics
M Phil Economics
PhD Law
English Language BA
French and Politics BA
M Phil Classics
Education M Phil
Education PhD
Microbiology M Phil
Accounting and Economics B Sc
Adult Nursing BN
Archaeology and Cultural Criticism BA
Archaeology and Medieval History BA
Archaeology and Religious Studies BA
Archaeology and Social Philosophy and Applied Ethics BA
Architectural Studies MArch
Business Economics B Sc
Chemistry with a Year Abroad MChem
Chemistry with a Year in Industry MChem
Economics and Philosophy B Sc
Education and Sociology B Sc
English Literature and Philosophy BA
French and Spanish BA
Integrated Engineering BEng
Marine Geography B Sc
Modern History and Politics B Sc
Music and Mathematics BA
Philosophy and Mathematics BA
Politics and Social Philosophy and Applied Ethics BA
Politics and Sociology B Sc
Religious Studies and Spanish BA
Sociology and Welsh BA
Spanish and English Literature BA
Spanish and Japanese BA
Bioinformatics PgCert
Biophotonics M Sc
Composition M Phil
Colposcopy PgCert
Composition MMus
Computing M Sc
Dental Studies PgDip
Diabetes PgDip
Environmental Hydrogeology M Sc
Governance and Devolution LLM
Health-care Science M Sc
Implantology M Sc
Information Security and Privacy M Sc
International Transport M Sc
Islam in Contemporary Britain MA
Leadership and Management PgCert
Medical Ultrasound PgDip
Prospective Students Medical Ultrasound PgCert
Neuromusculoskeletal Physiotherapy M Sc
Obstetric and Gynecological Ultrasound M Sc
Pain Management M Sc
Palliative Medicine PgDip
Politics and Public Policy M Sc
Radiographic Reporting PgDip
Radiographic Reporting PgCert
Radiography Diploma
Surgical Care Practice M Sc
Welsh Ethnological Studies Astudiaethau Gwerin MA
Astronomy and Astrophysics M Phil
International Trade Law M Phil
European Union Competition Law M Phil
Law and Religion M Phil
Arbitration Law PhD
International Trade Law PhD
Writing with Practice and Context MA
Diploma in Community Development
Certificate in Medical Science
Spanish M Phil
Translation Studies M Phil by Practice
Diploma in Sonic Art
Comparative Criminology and Criminal Justice MA
Criminology and Sociology MA
Social Policy, Sociology PhD
Diploma in Applied Sport Science
Exercise Rehabilitation M Sc
Post Graduate Diploma in Diabetes
Post Graduate Diploma in Adult Nursing
B Sc Information Communication Technology
B Sc Project Management with Construction
BA Business and Supply Chain Management Top Up
BA Logistics and Supply Chain Management
HND Accounting
BA Fashion Promotion
BA Performance and Media
B Sc Sound Technology with Optional Welsh Opportunities
B Sc Mobile Application Development
HND Computer Games Development
HND Computing
BA Combined Studies
BA English with Professional Welsh
B Sc Childhood and Youth
B Sc Psychology with Education
B Sc Sports Psychology
LLB Law with Accelerated Route
BN Nursing with Learning Disabilities
B Sc Geology and Physical Geography
B Sc Promoting Health and Well Being
B Sc Systemic Counselling
Foundation Degree in Rugby Coaching and Performance
M Sc Forensic Audit and Accounting
M Sc Management and Development of International Financial Systems
M Sc Management and Professional Development
MA Journalism with International
MA Moving Image
MA Scriptwriting
M Sc Electronic Mobile Communications
M Sc Mobile and Satellite Communications
MA Art Practice
M Sc Care of the Older Person
M Sc Learning Disability
M Sc Performance Coaching
M Sc Vulnerable Person
Post Graduate Diploma in Learning Disabilities Nursing
Advanced Diploma in Administrative Management Level 5
Child Care Learning and Development Level 3 Course
LLB Criminal Law
PhD Law and Criminology
PhD Theatre, Film and Television Studies
Bachelor of Arts in English Literature
Education BA
Linguistics BA
Music BA
Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng
Business Management B Sc
French BA
Geography B Sc
Law and Business BA
Mechanical Engineering BEng
Psychology B Sc
Finance M Sc
Orthodontics M Sc
Chemistry M Phil
French M Phil
B Sc Accounting and Finance
B Sc Geology
MEng Civil Engineering
BA Classics
MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering
B Sc Business Economics
B Sc Economics and Mathematics
BA English Literature
BA French
BA Politics and Italian
BA History
BA Spanish
B Sc Physical Geography
MA Modern History
Biology B Sc
Banking and Finance M Sc
Conscious Sedation in Dentistry M Sc
Creative Writing MA
International Commercial Law LLM
B Sc Theoretical Physics
M Sc Aeronautical Engineering
Archaeology PhD
Economics M Phil
Genetics M Phil
Microbiology PhD
Accounting and Economics B Sc
Ancient History and French BA
Archaeology and Ancient History BA
Archaeology and German BA
Computer Science with Knowledge and Information Systems B Sc
Chemistry with Industrial Experience B Sc
City and Regional Planning B Sc
Computer Science with Distributed and Mobile Systems B Sc
Computer Systems Engineering BEng
Computer Systems Engineering MEng
Criminology and Education B Sc
Cultural Criticism and German BA
Cultural Criticism and Religious Studies BA
Economics and Management Studies B Sc
Education and Social Policy B Sc
English Language and French BA
English Literature and Ancient History BA
English Literature and Music BA
Environmental Geo-Science B Sc
Environmental Geoscience International MESci
French and Economics BA
French and Music BA
French and Welsh BA
German and Religious Studies BA
Graduate Diploma in Community Health Studies and Specialist Practice Qualification B Sc
Italian and Economics BA
Law and German LLB
Law and Welsh LLB
Mathematics and Welsh BA
Medicine MBBCh
Midwifery BMid
Music and Philosophy BA
Psychology with Professional Placement B Sc
Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging B Sc
Religious Studies and Italian BA
Sociology B Sc
Welsh and Italian BA
Advanced Surgical Practice M Sc
Ancient and Medieval Warfare MA
Applied Environmental Geology M Sc
Care of Collections M Sc
Civil Engineering M Sc
Critical Care M Sc
English Literature MA
European Governance and Public Policy M Sc
Image Appreciation PgDip
Diploma in Comparative Criminology and Criminal Justice
Certificate in Comparative Criminology and Criminal Justice
Certificate in Social Research and Social Policy
Social Policy, Sociology M Phil
Applied Sports Science and Outdoor Activities M Sc
Diploma in Applied Sports Science and Outdoor Activities
M Sc Accounting
BA Computer Animation
B Sc Criminology with Law
B Sc Criminology with Psychology
B Sc Computer Forensics
B Sc Criminology and Psychology
BA Photography
B Sc Forensic Chemistry
B Sc Information Technology Management for Business
B Sc Sports Studies
BA International Accounting
Foundation Degree in Business and Enterprise
BA Film and Video
Foundation Degree in Costume Construction for Screen and Stage
Foundation Degree in Music Industry Entrepreneurship
B Sc Internet Application Development
HND Computer Forensics and Security
HND Electrical and Electronic Engineering
MComp Computer Security
BA Art Practice
BA English with TESOL
BA Public Services
B Sc Criminology and Criminal Justice
B Sc Criminology and Forensic Science
B Sc Geography and Geographical Information Systems
B Sc Specialist Community Public Health Nursing
Foundation Degree in Football Coaching and Performance
MA Multiplatform Radio
MA Music for Film and Media
M Sc Electronic Product Design
M Sc Information Security Management
M Sc Intelligent Computer Systems
M Sc Advanced Clinical Practitioner
M Sc Analytical and Forensic Science
M Sc Youth Sports Coaching
Post Graduate Diploma in Diagnostic Clinical Ultrasound Award
Research Degree in Health Science
Medical and Clinical Admin Level 3 Course
Advanced Psychology Level 4 Course
BA Law with Business and Management
BA Dram and Theatre Studies
PhD History and Welsh History
LLM by Research
Energy Engineering PhD
Energy Engineering M Phil
Experimental Cancer Therapeutics M Phil
Housing M Phil
Italian M Phil
Manufacturing Engineering M Phil
Metabolism, Diabetes and its Complications MD
Occupation and Health PhD
Photonics, Photons and Matter Theory M Phil
Physics of Music PhD
Systems Engineering M Phil
Theoretical Computational Chemistry PhD
Visual NeuroScience and Molecular Biology M Phil
Social Work BA
M Sc Engineering Management
MA History by Research
M Phil Mathematics
Psychology MA
PhD Geography
M Phil Geography
Islamic Banking and Finance MBA
BA Film Studies
Psychology MRes
Graduate Diploma in Law
Medieval Studies MA
BEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering
MA International Security
PhD American Studies
Medical Science MRes
MEng Aerospace Engineering
LLB Law with Criminology
MEng Computing
Business Studies B Sc
MComp Computer Science
B Sc Medical Genetics
Journalism PhD
Film and Media Studies MA
BA Ancient and Medieval History
B Sc Civil Engineering
BA Classical Civilization and Latin
BA Economic History and Economics
BA European History with English
BA European History with German
BA European History with Italian
BA French with Business Studies
BA German and TEFL
BA German with Computer Studies
BA German and Welsh with Business Studies
BA History and Classical Civilization
BA Italian and Welsh with Business Studies
BA Italian and Welsh with Computer Studies
BA Language and Communication
BA Language Studies and TEFL
BA Language Studies and German with Business Studies
BA Language Studies and Spanish with Business Studies
BA Latin and English
BA Latin and German
BA Media Studies and German
BA Media Studies and Spanish
BA Medieval Studies and Latin
BA Political Communications
BA Screen Studies and French
BA Spanish and Classical Civilization
BA Spanish and French
BA Welsh with Business Studies
BA Welsh with Legal Studies
BA Welsh and French
BScEcon American Studies and Social History
B Sc Business Management with Finance
B Sc International Business Economics
BEng Sports Materials
MEng Electronics with Computing Science
MEng Nanoelectronics
B Sc Geography and Geo-Informatics
BN Nursing with Adult
B Sc Social Work
B Sc Social Work
B Sc Econ Social History and Social Policy
LLB Law and Spanish
B Sc Computing with Finance
B Sc Pure Mathematics and Computer Science
MA Ancient Narrative Literature
MA Development and Human Rights
MA Digital Media
Master of Mathematics
Diploma in Womens Studies
Archaeology B Sc
English BA
Chemistry MChem
Music BA
Computer Science B Sc
Biomedical Science B Sc
Electronic and Communication Engineering MEng
Genetics B Sc
Marine Biology B Sc
Mathematics B Sc
Mathematics MMath
Physiotherapy B Sc
Physics with Astronomy B Sc
Psychology B Sc
Ancient History MA
Applied Linguistics MA
Linguistics M Phil
French PhD
German M Phil
German PhD
Music PhD
Politics M Phil
Politics PhD
Radiotherapy M Phil
B Sc Physics
B Sc Zoology
B Sc Chemistry
LLB Law and French
BEng Civil Engineering
B Sc Computer Science
B Sc Biological Science
BA Politics and German
BA History and Economics
BA History and German
BA Italian and Economics
B Sc Psychology
PhD Psychology
Fine Art BA
Information Systems B Sc
Marketing B Sc
M Phil Egyptology
BA Geography
BEng Product Design Engineering
Archaeology M Phil
LLM International Commercial Law
Ancient and Medieval History BA
Ancient History and Welsh BA
M Sc Management
Archaeology and Italian BA
Computing and Mathematics B Sc
Business Economics B Sc
Business Management and Finance B Sc
Conservation of Objects in Museums and Archaeology B Sc
Criminology B Sc
Cultural Criticism and Philosophy BA
Dental Hygiene Diploma
Ecology B Sc
Economics and Finance B Sc
Education and Welsh BA
English Language and Welsh BA
French and Japanese BA
Geography Human and Planning B Sc
German and Spanish BA
History with Welsh History BA
Italian and English Literature BA
Italian and Spanish BA
Law and Sociology LLB
Law with Business Studies LLB
Philosophy and Sociology BA
Sociology and Journalism BA
Sociology and Religious Studies BA
Spanish and Social Philosophy and Applied Ethics BA
Aging, Health and Disease M Sc
Applied Behavior Analysis and Challenging Behaviour PgCert Distance Education
Composition PhD
Child Health PgCert
Clinical Research M Sc
Conservation Practice M Sc
Ethnomusicology MA
Geo-environmental Engineering M Sc
Human Rights LLM
International Relations M Sc
Language and Communication Research MA
Lean Operations M Sc
Medical Education PgCert
Medieval British Studies MA
Astronomy and Astrophysics PhD
Biomedical Imaging PhD
Building Construction PhD
Cardiovascular Science M Phil
Clinical Epidemiology M Ch
Knowledge and Information Systems PhD
Connective Tissue Biology PhD
Crime and Criminal Justice PhD
Theoretical, Applied and Computational Mechanics Engineering EngD
Experimental Cancer Therapeutics PhD
Geo-biology Research Group PhD
Geo-dynamics Research Group M Phil
Globalization, Work and Labour PhD
Health and Social Welfare M Phil
History and Welsh History PhD
Innovations in Social Research PhD
Italian PhD
Language and Communication M Phil
Magmatic and Hydrothermal Processes Research Group PhD
Metabolism, Diabetes and its Complications M Phil
Microbiology MD
Occupation and Health M Phil
Paleoclimate Research Group PhD
Photonics, Photons and Matter Theory PhD
Physics of Music M Phil
Radiography M Phil
Spatial Analysis PhD
Structural Biophysics M Phil
Visual NeuroScience and Molecular Biology PhD
MA Politics
M Sc Health Informatics
MA Social and Cultural History
PhD Classics
MEng Environmental Engineering
B Sc Health and Social Care
Psychology BA
Management MBA
Management and Finance M Sc
BA American Studies
BA English Literature with Creative Writing
Accounting and Economics BA
B Sc Financial Economics
English Language with Creative Writing BA
M Sc Psychology by Research
Diploma in Banking and Finance
Post Graduate Diploma in Forestry
BA History and English
PhD Applied Linguistics
BA American Studies and Economic History
BA Egyptology
BA English Language Studies
BA French and TEFL
BA French and Spanish with Computer Studies
BA German with Business Studies
BA German and Geography
BA German and Spanish with Legal Studies
BA Greek and English
BA Greek and Language Studies
BA International Relations with Welsh
BA Italian and Classical Civilization
BA Italian and French
BA Italian and German
BA Italian and Spanish with Computer Studies
BA Latin and History
BA Media Studies and Italian
BA Medieval Studies and French
BA Medieval Studies and Italian
BA Politics and Ancient History
BA Screen Studies and Spanish
BA Spanish and Economic History
BA Spanish and German
BA Spanish and Welsh with Legal Studies
BA Welsh with Computer Studies
BA Welsh and European Politics
BA Welsh and Greek
BA Welsh and Politics
BA International Business Management
B Sc Business Management with Accounting
BEng Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering
MB Bch Medicine
B Sc Mathematics with Sport Science
MA Maritime and Imperial History
MA Screening and Staging Europe
Connective Tissue Biology M Phil
Drug Delivery and Biological Interfaces PhD
Mechanical and Structural Performance Engineering PhD
Medical Engineering and Medical Physics Engineering EngD
Theoretical, Applied and Computational Mechanics Engineering M Phil
Health and Social Welfare PhD
History and Welsh History M Phil
Human Resources Management PhD
Infection, Immunity and Inflammation PhD
Language and Communication PhD
Mathematics PhD
NeuroScience and Mental Health PhD
Performance M Phil
Peri-operative Practice PhD
Radiography PhD
Tissue Engineering and Reparative Dentistry PhD
Urban and Regional Governance PhD
Urban and Regional Governance M Phil
M Sc Finance
BA Accounting and Law
M Phil History
BA Geography and Spanish
M Sc Chemical Engineering
MA Gender and Culture
B Sc Mathematics with Spanish
M Sc Health Psychology
Graduate Diploma in Law
Womens Studies MA
BA Business Enterprise
Law with German LLB
Education Studies MA
BA Media Studies
M Sc Professional Practice
MEng Materials Science and Engineering
Environmental Chemistry B Sc
Media Studies BA
Criminology and Criminal Justice PhD
BEng Environmental Engineering
Diploma in Education Studies
M Sc Computer Science
BEng Electronic and Communication Engineering
BA American Studies and English
BA American Studies and History
BA American Studies and Politics
BA Classical Civilization and English
BA English literature and Language Studies
BA French and German with Computer Studies
BA French and Spanish with Business Studies
BA French and Spanish with Legal Studies
BA German and Italian with Business Studies
BA History and Russian Studies
BA International Relations with Spanish
BA Italian and TEFL
BA Italian and Ancient History
BA Italian and Economic History
BA Italian and Language Studies
BA Screen Studies and Italian
BA Spanish and TEFL
BA Spanish and Latin
BA Spanish and Medieval Studies
BA Welsh and Italian
B Sc International Business Management
MEng Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
BA Geography and Economics
B Sc Physical Earth Science
BN Mental Health Nursing with Carmarthen
B Sc Criminology and Social Policy
B Sc Econ Social Policy
LLB Law and American Studies
LLB Law and Italian
B Sc Computer Science and Geo-Informatics
B Sc Computer Science with Italian
B Sc Computer Science with Spanish
MA English Language Studies
MA European Cultures
MA Hispanic Studies
MA Hollywood and the World
MA International Communication and Development
MA War and Society
M Phil Language Studies
M Sc Contemporary Conflict and Violence
Master of Business Administration
Civil Engineering BEng
Geology B Sc
German and History BA
Mechanical Engineering MEng
Microbiology B Sc
Molecular Biology B Sc
Advanced Practice M Sc
Chemistry PhD
English M Phil
Hispanic Studies M Phil
History M Phil
Law M Phil
Law PhD
Music M Phil
Radiotherapy PhD
B Sc Audiology
LLB Law and German
BA Business Economics
BA French and Italian
B Sc Mathematics
BEng Mechanical Engineering
MA Early Modern History
MA German Studies
M Sc Research Methods in Psychology
Accounting and Finance BA
Biology B Sc
English Literature BA
B Sc Genetics
B Sc Mathematical Science
Translation Studies MA
Urban Design MA
M Sc Computer Systems Engineering
Accounting B Sc
Accounting and Finance B Sc
Ancient History and Social Philosophy and Applied Ethics BA
Ancient History and Spanish BA
Archaeology and French BA
Archaeology and Welsh BA
Banking and Finance with a European Language B Sc
Computer Systems Engineering B Sc
Community Practice B Sc
Childrens Nursing BN
Cultural Criticism and Italian BA
Cultural Criticism and Music BA
Dental Nursing Certificate
Economics and History BA
English Language and Philosophy BA
English Language and Spanish BA
English Literature and Social Philosophy and Applied Ethics BA
English Literature and Welsh BA
Exploration and Resource Geology, geography B Sc
German and Welsh BA
History and Music BA
Italian and Japanese BA
Law and Politics LLB
Marine Geo-Science MESci
Medical Engineering BEng
Mental Health Nursing BN
Music and Social Philosophy and Applied Ethics BA
Philosophy and Religious Studies BA
Philosophy and Welsh BA
Physics with Medical Physics B Sc
Politics and Spanish BA
Politics and Welsh BA
Spanish BA
Spanish and Philosophy BA
Accounting and Finance M Sc
Advanced Surgical Practice PgCert
Ageing, Health and Disease PgCert
Professional Studies MA
Professional Studies PgDip
Bioinformatics PgDip
Building Energy and Environmental Performance Modeling M Sc
Chaplaincy Studies MTh
Chemical Biology M Sc
Clinical Research Diploma
Conscious Sedation in Dentistry Diploma
Ethics and Social Philosophy MA
Health Science M Phil
Health-care Science Diploma
History MA
Hydro environment Engineering M Sc
Legal Aspects of Medical Practice LLM
Logistics and Operations Management M Sc
Medical Illustration PgCert
Musicology MA
Neuro-rehabilitation M Sc
Occupational Therapy M Sc
Palliative Medicine PgCert
Pharmacy Clinical Practice M Sc
Science, Media and Communication M Sc
Social Science Research Methods M Sc
Social Science Research Methods Diploma
Sustainable Chemistry M Sc
Transport and Planning M Sc
Welsh Government and Politics M Sc
Architectural Science PhD
Cardiopulmonary Studies PhD
Clinical Epidemiology MD
Geometric Computing and Computer Vision PhD
Scientific Computing and Optimization M Phil
Critical and Cultural Theory PhD
Dental Studies M Phil
Environment and Sustainability Engineering M Phil
Materials, Devices and Systems Engineering M Phil
Environment M Phil
Health and Medicines PhD
Executive MBA
Infection and Immunity PhD
Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies M Phil
Knowledge, Science and Technology M Phil
Marketing and Strategy PhD
Molecular Cell Biology PhD
Molecular Cell Biology MD
NeuroScience and Mental Health MD
Performance M Phil
Spatial Analysis M Phil
Thesis PhD
PhD English
M Phil Psychology
BA German
M Sc Electronic and Electrical Engineering
PGCert Health Informatics
BEng Software Engineering
Master of Chemistry
Post Graduate Certificate in TESOL
Post Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Nursing
Spanish PhD
Product Design B Sc
M Sc Marketing
Creative and Professional Writing BA
LLM International Trade Law
M Sc Social Research
BA History and Ancient History
B Sc Computing
BA French and English
BA Spanish and English
BA Human Geography
B Sc Psychology with Sociology
BA Marketing
Diploma in Creative Practice
Diploma in History
M Sc Computer Science
B Sc Computing Mathematics
Sport and Exercise Psychology M Sc
BA Classical Civilization and Greek
BA Economic History and Ancient History
BA English literature and American Studies
BA French with Legal Studies
BA French and Ancient History
BA French and Welsh with Business Studies
BA French and Welsh with Legal Studies
BA German and Language Studies
BA German and Spanish with Computer Studies
BA Greek and German
BA History and Economic History
BA International Relations with French
BA Italian and European Politics
BA Medieval History and Classical Civilization
BA Medieval Studies and English
BA Politics and Social History
BA Screen Studies and German
BA Spanish with Computer Science
BA Spanish and Italian
BA Spanish and Language Studies
BA War and Society
BA Welsh
BA Welsh and Latin
BA Business Management with Law
M Sc Econ Social Research
PhD Classical Archaeology and Egyptology
M Sc Management with International Management
M Phil Sports Science
M Sc Electronics Technology for Sustainable Energy
MA Human Geography
MA Health Care Law and Ethics
PGDip Professional Education in Clinical Settings
PGCert Public Health and Partnerships in Care
Legal Practice Course
MRes Stochastic Processes
Management with Banking and Finance BA
Information and Communications Technology BA
History with Archaeology BA
Social Studies BA
Creative Writing and Media Studies BA
English with Songwriting BA
Linguistics with English Literature BA
Medical Education BMedSci
Accounting and German BA Joint Degrees
Banking and Italian BA Joint Degrees
Business Studies and Italian BA Joint Degrees
Criminology and Criminal Justice with German BA Joint Degrees
Economics with French BA Joint Degrees
Film Studies with French BA Joint Degrees
German with Linguistics BA Joint Degrees
Italian with Cymraeg BA Joint Degrees
Spanish with Accounting BA Joint Degrees
Spanish with English Language BA Joint Degrees
Spanish with Physical Education BA Joint Degrees
Geological Oceanography B Sc
Marine Biology and Zoology B Sc
Marine Environmental Studies B Sc
Neuropsychology B Sc
Sport, Health and Exercise Science B Sc
Diploma in Banking and Law
Business and Marketing MA
Banking and Finance MBA
Banking PhD
Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Agents M Phil
Cymraeg MA
Laser Micromachining and Laboratory on a Chip M Phil
Arthurian Literature MA
Conservation and Land Management M Sc
Agricultural Systems M Phil
Forest Ecology and Management M Phil
Forest Ecology and Management PhD
Implementing Evidence in Health and Social Care MRes
Risk Management in Health and Social Care M Sc
Occupational Therapy PgDip
Diploma in Welsh History
Heritage PhD
Law and Criminology LLM
Commercial Law M Phil
Law of Trusts M Phil
Private International Law M Phil
Public Law M Phil
Environmental Law M Phil
Law of Trusts PhD
Private International Law PhD
Family Law PhD
Evidence and Administrative Law PhD
Certificate in Writing with Practice and Context
Diploma in Welsh Music and Celtic Music
Sonic Art MMus
Ocean Science M Phil
Consumer Psychology with Business M Sc
Mindfulness Based Approaches M Sc
Diploma in Language Policy and Planning
Sport and Exercise Science PgCert
Sport, Health and Exercise Science PhD
MEng Electronic and Communication Engineering
M Sc Public Health
B Sc Forensic Science
BA Media Production
B Sc Psychology and Sociology
M Sc Leadership and Management
BA Business and Finance Top Up
BA Sport Management
Foundation Degree in Business Studies
BA Drama with Theatre and Media
International Planning and Development M Sc
Magnetics M Sc
Mental Health PgCert
Molecular Modeling M Sc
Neurorehabilitation Diploma
Occupational Health M Sc
Palliative Medicine M Sc
Palliative Care PgDip
Performance Studies MA
Physiotherapy M Sc
Practical Dermatology Diploma
Safeguarding Children PgCert
Specialist Community Public Health Nursing M Sc
Architectural Science M Phil
Astronomical Instrumentation and CMB Studies M Phil
Biodiversity and Ecological Processes M Phil
Building Construction M Phil
Clinical Investigation and Visual Science PhD
Distributed Collaborative Computing M Phil
Scientific Computing and Optimization PhD
Critical and Cultural Theory M Phil
Drug Delivery and Biological Interfaces M Phil
Education and the Knowledge Economy PhD
Energy Engineering EngD
Mechanical and Structural Performance Engineering M Phil
Theoretical, Applied and Computational Mechanics Engineering PhD
Geo-environment Research Group PhD
Industrial Engineering M Phil
Mathematics M Phil
Metabolism, Diabetes and its Complications M Ch
NeuroScience and Mental Health M Phil
Performance PhD
Solid State and Materials Chemistry PhD
Welsh PhD
Psychological Research M Sc
B Sc Medical Science
B Sc Health and Social Care
MA Creative Writing
Film M Phil
Diploma in Music
Bachelor of Midwifery
Bachelor of Midwifery
BA Accounting and Finance
B Sc Mathematics and Physics
Law with Spanish LLB
MA Literary Translation
European Languages and Cultures MA
M Phil Art History
Advanced Clinical Practice M Sc
Diploma in Law
B Sc Marine Biology
BEng Building Services Engineering
BA American Studies and Geography
BA Classical Civilization and Economic History
BA Classical Civilization and Language Studies
BA English literature and TEFL
BA European History with French
BA French with Computer Studies
BA French and German with Business Studies
BA French and Language Studies
BA German with Legal Studies
BA German and Ancient History
BA German and Italian with Computer Studies
BA German and Welsh with Computer Studies
BA International Relations with Italian
BA Language Studies and Italian with Business Studies
BA Latin and French
BA Media Studies and Welsh
BA Medieval Studies and Greek
BA Politics and History
BA Screen Studies
BA Screen Studies and Welsh
BA Spanish with Business Studies
BA Spanish and Ancient History
BA Spanish and Welsh with Computer Studies
BA Welsh and American Studies
BA Welsh and Language Studies
BA Welsh and Spanish
B Sc International Business Management with Information Systems
B Sc Financial Economics with Accounting
BEng Telecommunication Engineering
M Phil Business Management
M Sc Econ Business Economics with Finance
MRes Computer Modelling in Engineering
MRes Nanoscience to Nanotechnology
PGCert Chemical Engineering
M Sc Sports Science
MRes Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries
MA Childhood Studies
MA Developmental and Therapeutic Play
PGCert Professional Education in Clinical Settings
M Phil Applied Social Science
M Sc Community Health Studies
PGDip Advanced Clinical Practice with Infection Control option
PGCert Nursing
PhD Applied Social Science
PhD Childhood Studies
M Sc Computing and Software Technology
Zoology with Marine Zoology B Sc
Accounting and Banking B Sc
Primary Education BA
Electronics with Software Programming B Sc
Music Technology and Electronics B Sc
Diploma in Operating Department Practice
History with Journalism BA
English Literature with English Language BA
English with Journalism BA
Accounting and Banking B Sc Joint Degrees
Accounting and French BA Joint Degrees
Banking and German BA Joint Degrees
Criminology and Criminal Justice with French BA Joint Degrees
Criminology and Criminal Justice with Italian BA Joint Degrees
Economics with Italian BA Joint Degrees
Film Studies with German BA Joint Degrees
French with Accounting BA Joint Degrees
French with Criminology and Criminal Justice BA Joint Degrees
French with Linguistics BA Joint Degrees
French with Management BA Joint Degrees
French with Marketing BA Joint Degrees
French with Physical Education BA Joint Degrees
German with Physical Education BA Joint Degrees
German with Sport Science BA Joint Degrees
Italian with Economics BA Joint Degrees
Italian with English Language BA Joint Degrees
Spanish with Sport Science BA Joint Degrees
Coastal Geography B Sc
Sport Science with Psychology B Sc
Banking and Law MA
Business and Consumer Psychology MA
Banking and Law MBA
Management Studies PhD
Medical Molecular Biology with Genetics M Sc
Molecular Science for Medicine PgDip
Computer Systems M Sc
Medical Visualization and Simulation PhD
Pattern Recognition and Classifiers PhD
Creative Practice MA
Journalism M Phil
Creative and Critical Writing PhD
Astudiaethau Celtaidd M Phil
Optoelectronics and Photonic Devices M Sc
Agroforestry M Phil
Environmental and Soil Science M Phil
Environmental and Soil Science PhD
Renewable Materials PhD
Public Health and Health Promotion PgDip
Risk Management in Health and Social Care PgCert
Health Studies PhD
Welsh History PhD
Law and Public Procurement Policy LLM
Mergers Law M Phil
Insurance Law M Phil
International Intellectual Property Law M Phil
Consumer Law PhD
Contract Law PhD
International Intellectual Property Law PhD
Criminal Law PhD
Community Development MA
Anthropological Linguistics MA
Clinical and Functional Brain Imaging PgCert
Professional and Clinical Education PgCert
Obstetric and Gynaecological Ultrasound PgDip
Pharmacy Clinical Practice Diploma
Planning Practice PgCert
Planning Practice and Research M Sc
Practical Theology MTh
Psychiatry M Sc
Specialist Community Public Health Nursing Diploma
Structural Engineering M Sc
Sustainable Energy and Environment M Sc
Architectural History and Theory PhD
Prospective Students Architectural History and Theory M Phil
Cardiopulmonary Studies M Phil
Clinical Investigation and Visual Science M Phil
Crime and Criminal Justice M Phil
Conservation M Phil
Dental Studies PhD
Environment and Sustainability Engineering PhD
Materials, Devices and Systems Engineering PhD
Materials, Devices and Systems Engineering EngD
Environment PhD
Geo-dynamics Research Group PhD
Globalization, Work and Labour M Phil
Health and Medicines M Phil
Infection and Immunity M Phil
Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies PhD
Knowledge, Science and Technology PhD
Molecular Cell Biology M Phil
NeuroScience and Mental Health M Ch
Paleoclimate Research Group M Phil
Performance PhD
Perioperative Practice M Phil
Systems Engineering PhD
Theoretical Computational Chemistry M Phil
Thesis M Phil
MA English by Research
M Sc Nursing
PhD History
M Phil Law
BA Fashion Design
BA Politics and Social Policy
M Sc Geographical Information Systems
LLM International Business Law
PGDip Health Informatics
MA International Relations
B Sc Management Science
B Sc Mathematics with French
B Sc Mathematics with German
BA Spanish and History
MA History
Music MA
Drama PhD
M Sc Diabetes
Banking and Finance BA
Law with French LLB
B Sc Business Management
PhD Art History
B Sc Criminology and Sociology
Creative Writing PhD
BA Italian and English
BA Business Management
Certificate in Education Studies
BA Classical Civilization and German
BA English literature with Gender
BA English literature and Ancient History
BA French and American Studies
BA French and Economic History
BA French and Welsh with Computer Studies
BA German and Italian with Legal Studies
BA German and Spanish with Business Studies
BA Greek and French
BA History and Greek
BA International Relations with American Studies
BA International Relations with German
BA Italian and History
BA Italian and Spanish with Legal Studies
BA Medieval Studies and Ancient History
BA Spanish with Legal Studies
BA Spanish and American Studies
BA Welsh and Economics
BA Welsh and Geography
BA Welsh and German
BA Welsh and Medieval Studies
BA Business Management with Accounting
MA Latin American Studies
M Phil Ancient History
PhD Language Studies
M Sc Management with Finance
M Phil Materials Engineering
MRes Photonic and Communication Systems
MRes Steel Technology
M Sc Computational Mechanics
M Sc Nanomedicine
MA Applied Criminal Justice and Criminology
M Sc Abnormal and Clinical Psychology
M Sc Ageing Studies
PGDip Advanced Clinical Practice with Multidisciplinary
PGDip Chronic Condition Management
PGCert Public Health and Health Promotion
PGDip Public Health and Health Promotion
M Sc Public Health and Specialist Community Public Health Nursing
Environmental Conservation B Sc
Business Studies and Finance BA
Business Studies and Marketing BA
Information and Communications Technology for Business BA
Welsh History BA
Law with Professional English LLB
Community Development FdA
Creative Studies BA
Media Studies and English BA
Business Studies and Spanish BA Joint Degrees
English with German BA Joint Degrees
English Language with French BA Joint Degrees
French with Cymraeg BA Joint Degrees
German with Cymraeg BA Joint Degrees
German with English BA Joint Degrees
German with History BA Joint Degrees
Italian with Music BA Joint Degrees
Italian with Sport Science BA Joint Degrees
Spanish with English BA Joint Degrees
Spanish with Film Studies BA Joint Degrees
Marine Vertebrate Zoology B Sc
Islamic Banking and Finance M Sc
Accounting M Phil
Pattern Recognition and Classifiers M Phil
Diploma in Media Practice
Creative and Critical Writing M Phil
Professional Writing PhD
Education Doctorate Programme
Laser Micromachining and Laboratory on a Chip PhD
Electrical Materials Science PhD
Agroforestry M Sc
Environmental Forestry M Sc
Post Graduate Certificate in Implementing Evidence in Health and Social Care
Public Health and Health Promotion M Sc
Advanced Clinical Practice PgDip
Health and Social Care Leadership PgCert
Diploma in Public Law and Devolved Governments
Corporate Law M Phil
Property Law M Phil
European Law M Phil
Public Procurement Law M Phil
Criminal Law M Phil
Property Law PhD
European Union Competition Law PhD
Comparative Corporate Governance PhD
Diploma in Performance
Welsh Music and Celtic Music MA
Marine Environmental Protection M Sc
Mindfulness Based Approaches MA
Advanced Social Work MA
Certificate in Advanced Social Work
Diploma in Criminology and Sociology
Language Policy and Planning MA
Criminology and Criminal Justice M Phil
B Sc Computing and Mathematics
BA Animation
B Sc Human Biology
M Sc Clinical Research
BA Human Resource Management
Doctorate in Business Administration
BA History with English
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
BA Business and Accounting Top Up
BA Business Communication Top Up
BA Game Art and Animation
BA Media, Culture and Journalism
B Sc Media Technology
B Sc Computer Games Development
B Sc Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
HNC Surveying
HND Information Technology
MEng Mobile Telecommunications
BA English with Education
BA Professional Welsh with Spanish
B Sc Criminology and Law
B Sc Sociology and History
B Sc Sociology with Law
LLB Law with Professional Welsh
B Sc Childhood Studies Top Up
B Sc Sports Coaching and Performance Top Up
B Sc Professional Practice with Nursing
Diploma of Higher Education in Occupational Health with Technician
M Sc International Business and Enterprise
MA Graphic Communication
M Sc Aircraft Maintenance Systems
M Sc Optical and Communication Networks
M Sc Total Quality
Diploma in Practice Management
M Sc Disaster Healthcare
M Sc Independent Prescribing CPD
Post Graduate Certificate in Diagnostic Clinical Ultrasound Award
M Sc Chiropractic Clinical Development Distance Learning
Business Marketing Level 2 Course
B Sc Honours Agriculture with Animal Science
BA Honours Performance Studies
MA Landscape and Territory
M Sc Livestock Sciences
BA Geography and English Literature
B Sc Clinical Technology with Medical Physics
Foundation Certificate in Health Studies
LLB Law and Criminology
B Sc Computer Science and Physics
B Sc Computer Simulation in Materials
MA Ancient History and Classical Civilization
MA Professional Writing
M Phil Media and Communication Studies
PhD Egyptology
M Sc Econ Business Economics with Computing
EngD Structural Materials for Gas Turbines
M Sc Nanoscience to Nanotechnology
PhD Sports Science
MRes Aquatic Ecology and Conservation
M Sc Global Migration, Politics and Society
MA Professional Education in Clinical Settings
M Phil Childhood Studies
PGDip Public Health and Partnerships in Care
LLM International Maritime Law
M Phil Medicine
MRes Computer Graphics, Visualisation and Virtual Environments
Applied Terrestrial and Marine Ecology B Sc
Environmental Management B Sc
Master of Zoology
Accounting and Banking BA
Business Studies and Finance B Sc
Management with Accounting B Sc
Chemistry with Biomolecular Science B Sc
Creative Technologies B Sc
Early Childhood and Learning Support Studies FdA
History with Film Studies BA
Political and Social Science BA
Linguistics and the English Language BA
Accounting and Economics BA Joint Degrees
Banking and French BA Joint Degrees
Banking and Spanish BA Joint Degrees
Creative Studies and Italian BA Joint Degrees
Criminology and Criminal Justice with Spanish BA Joint Degrees
Economics with German BA Joint Degrees
Film Studies with Spanish BA Joint Degrees
French with Economics BA Joint Degrees
French with Sport Science BA Joint Degrees
German with Economics BA Joint Degrees
Italian with Accounting BA Joint Degrees
Italian with English BA Joint Degrees
Italian with Physical Education BA Joint Degrees
Spanish with History BA Joint Degrees
Master of Marine Science
Psychology with Child and Language Development B Sc
Banking and Finance MA
Diploma in Management and Finance
Chartered Banker MBA
Diploma in International Banking and Development Finance
Molecular Biology with Biotechnology M Sc
Environmental Chemistry PgDip
Film PhD
Llenyddiaeth Gymraeg PhD
Education Studies M Ed
Optical Communications M Phil
Medieval and Early Modern Literature MA
Diploma in Medieval Studies
Sustainable Forest and Nature Management M Sc
Biodiversity Conservation M Phil
Biodiversity Conservation PhD
Advanced Clinical Practice PgCert
Risk Management in Health and Social Care PgDip
Radiography and Allied Health Professions M Phil
Diploma in Celtic Archaeology
Corporate Finance Law M Phil
Media Law M Phil
European Commercial Law M Phil
Social Care Law M Phil
Media Law PhD
Public International Law PhD
Public Law PhD
Law and Religion PhD
Certificate in Community Development
Bilingualism PhD
Translation Studies M Phil
Performance MA
BEng Nanoelectronics
MEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering
MEng Telecommunication Engineering
BA Geography and French
Diploma in Paramedic Science
BN Nursing with Child
BN Nursing with Mental Health
B Sc Clinical Physiology with Cardiology
B Sc Clinical Physiology with Respiratory Physiology
LLB Law and Economics
LLB Law and History
LLB Law and Politics
LLB Law with Business
B Sc Computer Science with Welsh
B Sc Mathematics for Computer Science
MA Ancient Egyptian Culture
MA Public Policy
M Sc Management with Marketing
EngD Steel Technology
MRes Communication Systems
M Sc Sports Science with Management
M Phil Biological Science
MA Child Welfare and Applied Childhood Studies
M Sc Enhanced Professional Practice
M Sc Advanced Clinical Practice with Multidisciplinary
PGCert Advanced Clinical Practice with Multidisciplinary
M Sc Econ Early Childhood
PGCert Infection Prevention and Control
Legal Practice Course
MA Global Legal Orders and Law
M Sc Computing and Future Interaction Technologies
Zoology with Conservation B Sc
Business and Law BA
Management with Banking and Finance B Sc
Computer Science for Business B Sc
Health Studies B Sc
Medieval and Early Modern History BA
Modern and Contemporary History BA
Law with Accounting and Finance LLB
Journalism and Media Studies BA
Accounting and Finance BA Joint Degrees
Accounting and Banking BA Joint Degrees
Business Studies and French BA Joint Degrees
Economics with Spanish BA Joint Degrees
English Language with German BA Joint Degrees
French with History BA Joint Degrees
German with Banking BA Joint Degrees
German with Creative Studies BA Joint Degrees
German with Marketing BA Joint Degrees
Italian with History BA Joint Degrees
Italian with Management BA Joint Degrees
Spanish with Linguistics BA Joint Degrees
Spanish with Marketing BA Joint Degrees
Exercise, Behaviour Change and Disease Prevention B Sc
Sport, Health and Physical Education B Sc
Diploma in Business and Marketing
Information Management MBA
Law and Management MBA
Management Studies M Phil
Natural Science MRes
Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Agents PhD
Communication Networks and Protocols PhD
Media Practice MA
New Media M Phil
New Media PhD
Creative Studies PhD
Llenyddiaeth Gymraeg M Phil
Organic Electronics M Phil
Diploma in Early Modern Literature
Sustainable Tropical Forestry M Sc
Tropical Ecosystems PhD
Health Science PgDip
Public Health and Health Promotion PgCert
Midwifery PhD
Celtic Archaeology MA
Master of Law in Research
Diploma in International Commercial and Business Law
Contract Law M Phil
Jurisprudence Law M Phil
Company Law M Phil
Corporate Law PhD
Commercial Law PhD
B Sc Business Economics with Accounting
B Sc Biological Science and Geography
B Sc Geography with European Studies
B Sc Mathematics for Finance
MA Welsh Writing in English
M Phil American Studies
PhD Classics, Ancient History and Egyptology
PhD Media and Communication Studies
M Sc Econ Business Economics
M Phil Electronic Systems Design Engineering
M Sc Communication Systems
PGDip Nursing
M Sc Public Health and Health Promotion
LLM Law and Globalisation
LLM Legal Practice and Advanced Drafting
Conservation and Forest Ecosystems B Sc
Zoology with Animal Behaviour B Sc
Business and ICT BA
Business and Social Administration BA
Literature and Creative Writing BA
Cymraeg with Welsh BA
English with Theatre Studies BA
Film Studies with Theatre BA
Accounting and Finance B Sc Joint Degrees
Business Studies and German BA Joint Degrees
Criminology and Criminal Justice BA
English with French BA Joint Degrees
English Language with Italian BA Joint Degrees
English Language with Spanish BA Joint Degrees
German with Accounting BA Joint Degrees
German with Business Studies BA Joint Degrees
German with Management BA Joint Degrees
German with Music BA Joint Degrees
Italian with Linguistics BA Joint Degrees
Italian with Marketing BA Joint Degrees
Spanish with Management BA Joint Degrees
Spanish with Music BA Joint Degrees
Oceanography and Computing B Sc
Psychology with Clinical and Health Psychology B Sc
Psychology with Neuropsychology B Sc
Exercise Physiology B Sc
Diploma in Business and Consumer Psychology
Banking M Phil
Finance M Phil
Diploma in Film and Media Studies
Media M Phil
Media PhD
Astudiaethau Celtaidd PhD
Broadband and Optical Communications M Sc
Optoelectronics M Phil
Diploma in Arthurian Literature
Diploma in Medieval and Early Modern Literature
Post Graduate Certificate in Forestry
Health and Social Care Leadership PgDip
Health Science PgCert
Radiography and Allied Health Professions PhD
Heritage M Phil
International Commercial and Business Law LLM
Public Law and Devolved Governments LLM
Public International Law M Phil
Family Law M Phil
Evidence and Administrative Law M Phil
Corporate Finance Law PhD
Company Law PhD
Public Procurement Law PhD
Bilingualism M Phil
Post Graduate Certificate in Behavioural Neurology and Neuropsychiatry
Composition MA
Sonic Art MA
Applied Marine Geoscience M Sc
Applied Physical Oceanography M Sc
Foundations of Clinical Psychology M Sc
Behavioural Neurology and Neuropsychiatry PgDip
Policy Research and Evaluation MA
Certificate in Policy Research and Evaluation
Sport and Exercise Physiology MRes
Sport and Exercise Psychology MA
BA Journalism
Post Graduate Diploma in Child Nursing
B Sc Mathematics with Education
BA Business and Law
HND Business Studies
HND Marketing
BA Media Production with Optional Welsh Opportunities
BA Popular Music
BEng Mobile Telecommunications
B Sc Lighting Design and Technology
B Sc Electrical and Electronic Engineering Top Up
HNC Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
HND Civil Engineering
HND Information and Communication Technology
HND Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
BA Astudiaethau Cymraeg Professional
BA Applied Language Studies
BA Professional Welsh with History
BA Professional Welsh with TESOL
B Sc Criminology with Forensic Science
B Sc Youth and Social Justice Top Up
B Sc Clinical Leadership
B Sc Physical Geography with Geology
Diploma of Higher Education in Professional Practice
M Sc Audit
M Sc International Fashion Marketing
M Sc Strategic Procurement Management
M Sc Computer Systems Security
M Sc Technology for Teaching and Learning
Doctorate in Public Leadership
MA Arts and Health
MA Gothic Studies
B Sc Cancer Care
Certificate in Practice Management
M Sc Conservation and Geographical Information Systems
M Sc Disaster Management for Environmental Hazards
M Sc Systemic Counselling
M Sc Systemic Psychotherapy
M Sc Education for Health and Social Care Professionals
Post Graduate Certificate in Forensic Science
Certificate in Administrative Management Level 3
Diploma in Aromatherapy
Certificate in Healthy Eating and Food Hygiene Level 2
B Sc Honours Agriculture
BA Honours Childhood Studies
M Sc Remote Sensing and Geography
Diploma in Electroacoustic Composition
Marine Biology M Sc
Psychology PgCert
Diploma in Advanced Social Work
Certificate in Criminology and Sociology
Social Research and Social Policy MA
Diploma in Applied Sport and Exercise Physiology
M Sc Midwifery
BA Business with Law
B Sc Applied Psychology
M Sc Computer Forensics
B Sc Computer Security
MA Animation
BA Accounting with Professional Welsh
BA Forensic Accounting
HND Human Resource Management
BA Costume Construction for Screen and Stage
BA Popular Music with Optional Welsh Opportunities
B Sc Music Technology with Optional Welsh Opportunities
B Sc Live Event Technology
B Sc Business Information Technology Top Up
B Sc Information Technology Top Up
HND Mechatronic Engineering
BA Creative and Professional Writing
BA History with American Studies
BA Professional Welsh with English
B Sc Natural History
B Sc Police Science
B Sc Professional Practice with Midwifery
B Sc Care of the Older Person
Diploma in Systemic Counselling
M Sc Islamic Banking and Finance
M Sc Management of Strategic Human Resources
M Sc Music Engineering and Production
M Sc Computer Games Development
M Sc Energy Systems Engineering
M Sc Mobile Computing
M Sc Community Regeneration
M Sc International Career Education and Guidance
B Sc Community Health Studies
M Sc Community and Partnerships
M Sc Integrated Coastal Zone Management
Post Graduate Certificate in Education for Health and Social Care Professionals
M Sc Diagnostic Clinical Ultrasound Award
International Foundation Academic Programme
Fast Food and Snack Bar Management Course
PhD English Literature and Creative Writing
Jurisprudence Law PhD
Employment Law PhD
Environmental Law PhD
Social Care Law PhD
Bilingualism MA
Behavioural Neurology and Neuropsychiatry M Sc
Post Graduate Diploma in Behavioural Neurology and Neuropsychiatry
Electroacoustic Composition MA
Foundations of Clinical Neuropsychology M Sc
Neuroimaging M Sc
Behavioural Neurology and Neuropsychiatry PgCert
Certificate in Language Policy and Planning
Diploma in Policy Research and Evaluation
Criminology, Criminal Justice, Social Policy, Sociology MARes
Certificate in Sport and Exercise Physiology
Sport and Exercise Psychology PgCert
Sport, Health and Exercise Science M Phil
B Sc Sports and Exercise Science
B Sc Sociology with Psychology
MA Interactive Journalism
M Sc Mental Health
B Sc Psychology with Criminology
LLM Commercial Law
BA Sports Development
BA Business Studies Top Up
BA Event Management
BA Media Communications
BA Radio
BA Visual Effects and Motion Graphics
BEng Electromechanical Systems Design
B Sc Aircraft Maintenance Engineering
Foundation Degree in Civil Engineering
Foundation Degree in Surveying
HNC Construction Technology and Management
HND Software Engineering
MEng Electromechanical Systems Design
BA History with Professional Welsh
BA Professional Welsh with Education
B Sc Developmental Psychology
B Sc Sociology with Criminology
B Sc Sociology with History
B Sc Clinical Physiology with Respiratory
B Sc Observational Astronomy
B Sc Pharmaceutical Science
B Sc Community Health Studies with Practice Nursing
B Sc Professional Practice with Health Care Studies
Certificate of Higher Education in Health Care Nursing Support Worker Education
Diploma of Higher Education in Occupational Health with Nursing
M Sc International Logistics and Supply Chain Management
M Sc Sport Management
MA Film Producing
M Sc Civil Engineering and Environmental Management
M Sc Electronics and Information Technology
M Sc Safety, Health and Environmental Management
M Sc Sustainable Business Risk Management
MA Literature, Culture and Society
M Phil Writing
M Sc Play Therapy
M Sc Public Service Management
M Sc Environmental Conservation Management
M Sc Child Health and Welfare Studies Distance Learning
M Sc Specialist Community Public Health Nursing
Post Graduate Certificate in Citizen Engagement with Health and Social Care
Post Graduate Certificate in Systemic Counselling
Post Graduate Diploma in Chiropractic Clinical Development Distance Learning
Business Management Level 2 Course
M Sc Environmental Monitoring and Analysis
LLM International Business Law Distance Education
Electroacoustic Composition MMus
Ocean Science PhD
Applied Behaviour Analysis M Sc
Applied Behaviour Analysis PgDip
Diploma in Social Research and Social Policy
Sport and Exercise Science MRes
Applied Sport and Exercise Physiology M Sc
Applied Sport Science M Sc
Diploma in Exercise Rehabilitation
B Sc Music Technology
M Sc Construction Project Management
MA Investigative Journalism
BA Business and Marketing Top Up
BA English with History
BA English with Spanish
HNC Civil Engineering
HNC Electrical and Electronic Engineering
M Sc Computing and Information Systems
BA Creative Industries with Film and Video Top Up
B Sc Sound Technology
BEng Aeronautical Systems Engineering with Avionics
B Sc Real Estate and Appraisal Management
B Sc Mechatronic Engineering Top Up
MComp Computer Games Development
MEng Computer Systems Engineering
BA English with Law
BA History and Professional Welsh
BA History with Education
B Sc Early Years Development and Education
B Sc Forensic Science with Criminology
B Sc Post Qualifying Social Work Practice
B Sc Sports Science and Rugby
B Sc Acute and Critical Care
B Sc Professional Practice with Violence Reduction
M Sc International Transport and Logistics
M Sc Public Relations
M Sc Computer Music and Performance
M Sc Embedded Systems Design
M Sc Mobile Telecommunications Management
M Sc Real Estate Development
M Sc Health and Public Service Management
M Sc Health Psychology with Theory and Practice
M Sc Play and Therapeutic Play
M Sc Clinical Practice for Nurses and Midwives
M Sc Integrated Care
M Sc International Policing
Post Graduate Certificate in Acute and Critical Care
M Phil History and Welsh History
Equine Nutrition PG Certificate
M Sc Food and Water Security
BA TV and Film Set Design
B Sc Creative Industries with Popular Music Technology Top Up
B Sc Engineering Technology Management
B Sc Mathematics and Accounting
Foundation Degree in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
BA English and Professional Welsh
BA English with American Studies
BA History with Law
BA History with Spanish
B Sc Criminology with Sociology
B Sc Sociology and Law
B Sc Sociology with Education
HND Public and Emergency Services
LLB Law with Accounting
B Sc Community Mental Health Practice
B Sc International Wildlife Biology
B Sc Nutrition, Physical Activity and Community Health
B Sc Managing Pain
B Sc Genetics Applied to Professional Practice
Diploma of Higher Education in Health Care Nursing Support Worker Education
MA by Research in Media, Culture and Communication
MA Drama
M Sc Civil and Structural Engineering
M Sc Civil Engineering for International Development
M Sc Sustainable Business Risk Management Distance Learning
M Sc Sustainable Power Technology
M Sc Careers Guidance
M Sc Education for Nurses Midwives and Health Visitors
M Sc Forensic Odontology
M Sc Renewable Energy and Resource Management
Post Graduate Certificate in Chiropractic Clinical Development Distance Learning
Conflict Management Level 2 Course
LLM Environmental Law and Management Distance Education
MA Practising Theatre and Performance