The climate of the city is typically moderate. During summers, the temperature reaches to 24 to 39 degrees and in winter it goes as low as 7 degrees Celsius. The average rainfall of the city is 144 inches. Below are the complete weather details of the city:
Months Normal Warmest Coldest
January 20.1°C 26.4°C 13.8°C
February 23.0°C 29.1°C 16.9°C
March 27.6°C 33.5°C 21.7°C
April 30.2°C 35.3°C 25.1°C
May 30.7°C 35.4°C 26.0°C
June 30.3°C 34.0°C 26.5°C
July 29.2°C 32.3°C 26.1°C
August 29.1°C 32.1°C 26.1°C
September 29.1°C 32.4°C 25.8°C
October 28.2°C 32.3°C 23.9°C
November 24.9°C 30.3°C 19.6°C
December 20.8°C 27.0°C 14.5°C
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