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01725086077, 9815480351


JK Sharma, SCO 48-49, 1st Floor, Near HDFC Bank, Madhya Marg, Sector-9D, Pin Code-160009, Chandigarh


www.vnetcomputers.com Website

About Website: Selling Services, Sunday Open Alternate Contact No : 01725086076, 01723048078/9217171384 Email:vnetcomputers@hotmail.com/rpsharmay2k@gmail.com Mobile No: 09815480351, 09217171384 Monday-Saturday: 10.00 AM - 08.00 PM Sunday: 12.00 PM - 05.00 PM V Net Computers deals in branded Laptops and PCs. It deals in brands such as Intel, AMD, HP, Compaq, Dell, Lenovo, Samsung, Acer etc. It also deals in computer softwares and peripherals.

Deals in: Computer Dealers, Laptop Dealers, Computer Accessories, Dell Laptops, Dell Desktops, Dell Desktop Accessories, V Net Computers, Computers, Acer Computers, Acer Laptops, Acer Dealers, Sony Dealers, Sony Laptop Dealers, Dell Monitors

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Reviews of www.vnetcomputers.com

They want just to sell the product anyhow. they are the worst dealer in Chandigarh and i suggest to all my known and other people don't go to their to buy any product.
i experienced too much harassment and suffering for service.


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