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Periyanaickenpalayam, Coimbatore


www.srkv.org Website

About Website: Alternate Contact No : 04222695451, 04222695453, 04222695452 Fax No: 04222692582 Alternate Email Id: srkvcbe20@gmail.com, srkvcoen@yahoo.co.in, srkvmca@md4.vsnl.net.in, rmmcpe@vsnl.com, srkvtech@vsnl.com, vivekananda.university@gmail.com, ihrdc@vsnl.net Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya has expanded into a extensive and well-known academic complicated with nearly 4000 Students, providing them features for knowledge which range from the pre-school to the doctor's levels. There are eight hostels in the university, with a total durability of about 1500 young children.

Deals in: B Ed Courses, M Ed Courses, M Phil Courses, Phd Courses, Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya, Colleges

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