02024230432, 7719800464
Vijay Warad, Aranshwar Corner, Near City Pride, Ashoka Centre, Near Bata Showroom, Pin Code: 411009, Pune
About Website:Not Available
Deals in: Allergy Treatment, Asthma Treatment, Eye Treatment, Cataract Surgery, Paediatric Treatment, Doctors Child Specialist, Doctors Neonatologist, Child Vaccination, IQ Testing Services, Aptitude Testing, Sai Allergy Asthma Eye Childrens Hospital, Hospitals
Best results of Dr Warad for allergy diseases with latest technique with skin prick epidermal modified allergy quality testing with complete De-sensitization (immunotherapy).
hasamuz Zaman
Best Eye, allergy testing, asthma treatment as well for complete solution to allergy diseases.
Anil Dhawale