About Website:
KHANDANI VAIDYA SANDEEP VERMA M.D. RISHI AYURVEDA CENTRE, Rishi ayurveda was founded with the target of "taking ayurveda to every home & to every individual"our objective of making people happy and healthy through pure ayurvedic treatment to the ailments and disorders such as :-low sperm count (oligospermia), nil sperm count (azospermia),low time during sexual intercourse(pre-ejaculation),night-fall,penile disorders,infertility,shavet praddar(leucorrhoea),menstrual disorders,obesity,hairfall,etc :-all these affecting the global community today,
Deals in: Doctors Ayurvedic, Ayurvedic Treatment, Ayurvedic Medicines, Doctors, Rishi Ayurveda Centre