04428472655, 9840403274
Rajalakshmi, No 22/2, Judge Jumbulingam Street, Off Dr Radhakrishnan Salai, Pin Code: 600004, Chennai
About Website: Ojas Foundation’s Pregnancy Classes And Online Pregnancy Classes Helps to Achieve Holistic Experience of Pregnancy, Delivery And Parenting. Not Only it Helps in Preparing the Pregnant Mother Physically for Delivery But Nurtures the Pregnant Mother Emotionally, Intellectually And Spiritually. All the Sessions are Focused Towards Enhancing Mother – Baby Bonding And Prenatal Stimulation. Also Introducing Parenting Techniques Right During the Pregnancy.
Deals in: Prenatal Yoga Classes, Antenatal Yoga Classes, Pregnancy Yoga Classes, Ojas Foundation, Health and Nutrition
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