About Website:
Neu Salonz Was Established in 2001 And as of Today is Present in Multiple Premier Locations in Delhi/ncr. the Moment you Step Across the Threshold, you Will Feel as If you Have Been Transported to a New World, a True Comfort Zone. We (both Individually And as a Team) Attend Ongoing In-house Training, Advanced Education And Workshops Across the World Throughout Our Careers that Keep Us on Top of the Trend Charts And to Remain Committed to Being Passionate, Creative And New. Here you Can Become as Beautiful as in Your Dreams. And We Assure to Give you the Look that Deserves You!
Deals in: Bridal Makeup, Makeup Artists, Beauticians, Hair Cut, Body Massage, Hair Colors, Hair Treatment, Hair Straightening, Nail Art, Neu Salonz, Beauty Parlours