Fastest Education Loan Service as far I know till now. Just filling a form can make a chance to get a call from DiFin personals. They provide all the asked information about education loan and also give you career guidance tips, if you ask them without any charges. So I will recommend to other students too about Difin.
Akshta Verma
In February 2018, I was looking for education loan for higher studies to pursue my Ph.D. from DU but due to long approval time from Govt. banks and higher interest rate of private education loan providers, I had decided not to apply for it at that time. But I got a reference from my close friend about education loan facility from DiFin. With a little bit of hesitation due to my past experience with private loan providers, I landed on the website - and left after filling the given online application form. Two days later I got a call from one of their team and he verified my credentials and discussed all my requirements in detail. And within 10 days, I got the approval from their side. Also, they provide very good career guidance free, if you ask for. Overall a recommendable financial firm for the education loan for higher studies from my side.