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Sachin Pawar, 503-504, Bremen Business Center, Above Bank of India, Pune


www.aeropure.co.in Website

About Website: Aeropure UV Systems, Pune are focused on delivering solutions for Air Quality & power savings based on Ultra Violet Germicidal technology to Indian & International markets, with wide ranging applications for germicidal disinfection of indoor air and surfaces. Aeropure supplies UV Lamp systems to be fitted inside AHUs for Germicidal Irradiation, IAQ Improvement & Energy Savings. The systems can be used in Hotels, Hospitals, Commercial buildings, Pharmaceutical industries etc.

Deals in: UV Lamps, UVGI Systems, UVC Emitters, AHU Systems, Ultraviolet Lamps, Aeropure UV Systems, Electrical Goods, UV Water Systems, Sterile Air Systems, Mini Air Cooler Dealers, Plastic Cooler Dealers, Air Cooling Pad Dealers, Air Cooling Pad Wholesalers, Air Cooler Grass Pad Dealers, Honeycomb Cooling Pad Dealers, Air Cooler Cooling Pad Dealers, Khaitan Air Cooler Pad Dealers, Usha Desert Cooler Dealers, Usha Air Cooler Dealers, Havells Switches, Havells Electricals Distributors, Havells Sockets, Havells Fans, Havells Leds, Havells Led Lights, Havells Led Tube Lights, Havells Led Street Lights, Havells Switch Gears, Havells Modular Switches, Havells Wires

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