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Exchange Road, Jammu., India


spcett.org Website SP College of ETT, JBT, STC Jammu

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Reviews of SP College of ETT, JBT, STC

Dear sir / madam i want join the course in jbt plz inform me how can a apply . my id is adimaddycool9911@gmail.com. plz send me full detail

Aditya Kumar Sharma

my email id infoteck786@gmail.com please send me a copy of court order regarding 2011-13 exam.

j l gupta

dear,sir I have completed 2years diploma course of ETT session 2009-11 from your college .There is a correction in my Parents name.They have written my father name place of my mother name & place of mother name they have written my father name.My Email ID Jeet22capricorn@gmail.com Plz give solution


Dear sir / madam i want join the course in jbt plz inform me how can a apply . my id is ashwani.qe@smlisuzu.com plz send me full detail Contact no 9915753086

ashwani sharma

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