Modern Languages BA in University of Windsor
1) ENG4U required.
2) French majors require any Grade 12 U French.
3) Majors in all other languages do not require prior high school language courses and will be assessed and placed appropriately on program entrance.
4) Disability Studies, Criminology and Social Work students re-apply for admission to Year 3.
5) EWC4U is recommended for Creative Writing majors.
401 Sunset Avenue, Windsor Ontario, Canada N9B 3P4
This course is also available with following:
1) Modern Languages (BA Honours Combined Program)
2) Modern Languages (with year abroad) (BA Honours)
3) Modern Languages with Two Languages Option (BA Honours Combined Program)
4) Modern Languages and Second-Language Education (BA Honours)
5) Modern Languages and Second-Language Education with Two Languages Option (BA Honours).