M Sc Vision Science in University of Waterloo
The MSc program is open to graduates with at least a B (75%) standing in the last two years of:
1) an Optometry or Vision Science program; or,
2) an honors BSc (or BEng) (or equivalent) in an area relevant to the proposed studies;
3) an honors degree (or equivalent) in a health-related program;
4) an honors degree (or equivalent) with additional training or experience in a relevant field.
5) Promising candidates must demonstrate that they are capable of managing the diverse background requirements for the Vision Science Program.
6) Categories b, c and d will be considered for admission on individual merit and may require a specific program designed to remedy deficiencies in the relevant Vision Sciences with appropriate core science courses.
200, University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
For more information
Stephanie Forsyth : sforsyth@uwaterloo.ca
Phone Numbe : 519-888-4567, ext. 35039