1) To be admitted to the PhD program, applicants must hold a master's degree in sociology (or equivalent) and have an overall average of at least 75% (B +), calculated in accordance with the guidelines of the FGPS. A student with a master’s degree with the required average in a related discipline can be considered. He or she will be asked to take a number of additional courses. The number of extra courses required is determined by the Graduate Studies Committee after examining the file of each candidate.
2) Admission to the doctoral program also depends on the possibility of finding a supervisor and a committee specialized in the student’s field of interest.
3) The application for admission to the doctoral program should include, in addition to transcripts of records and letters of recommendation, a letter which specifies: 1) the proposed research area; 2) the specific research topic for the doctoral thesis; 3) the preferred supervisor; 4) language skills (English and French).