The courses presented for the Classics M.A. degree must include (1) four units of Classics 287, (2) Greek or Latin 210, (3) two courses from Greek 200A-200B-200C and two courses from Latin 200A-200B-200C, and (4) three four-unit graduate seminars (two-unit seminars may not be counted). Students must receive a grade of B or better in each of the above courses. Students presenting (1) Classics 287, (2) Latin 210, and (3) two courses from Latin 200A-200B-200C may apply for a Latin M.A. degree. The four-unit 200A-200B-200C courses test the appropriate part of the departmental reading lists. The remaining courses are to be selected in consultation with the graduate adviser. No 500-series courses may be applied toward the requirements for the M.A. degree.