Jyoti Nivas College - JNC Bangalore is a minority Christian College that was set up by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Tarbes. Since its beginning in 1966, the college has stayed committed to one central promise, to give an unbiased comprehensive education in the liberal Arts, Science and Commerce. The Degree block of the college consists of the Principal's office, different departments for Faculty, Labs for Science Departments, Union Room, Adventure Club, NCC / NSS Room and class rooms.
.....Continuing reading The extension counter of Vijaya Bank for students is also in the campus. The MCA block consist of the Vice Principal's office, BCA - Lab and MCA - Lab, Electronics Lab, the Administrative Block with administrative office for PU and Degree Courses, English department, MA class rooms & B.Sc - Lab.
Jyoti Nivas College - JNC Bangalore library offers students a large variety of books, magazines and journals on English Literature, computers and other different subjects. These volumes comprise of books that are required for reading reference work in all the fields and periodicals.
Jyoti Nivas College - JNC Bangalore has numerous volumes on Computer Software, Information Technology, Management Studies, Sociology and Physics. The center offers diploma programs in computers that are taught both in the evenings and mornings. The sports and games facilities that are provided by the University make the students attain physical growth and sportsmanship.
Jyoti Nivas College - JNC Bangalore has different courts for games such as basketball, football, cricket, hockey, throw ball & tennis. Intra-college and inter-collegiate matches and Sports Day named 'SPHYGMUS' give the students many opportunities to grow their talent and skills.
Jyoti Nivas College - JNC Bangalore offers Undergraduate programs in Arts, Commerce, Science, Business Management and Computer Application. It also offers Postgraduate programs in Arts, Business Management and Computer Application.
Jyoti Nivas College - JNC Bangalore is one of the leading institutions that provide career guidance and placement facilities its undergraduate and postgraduate students. The office is devoted to assist the students assess their career interest, skills and gives them an opportunity to meet and attend interviews by some of the prestigious firms in the city. It sometimes arranges mock interviews, workshops, seminars and group discussions on important topics. The Center has close contacts with industrial and business houses with the help of regular newsletters, placement brochures and personal contacts. The campus recruitment is held from the months of January to March.....Reading in short