MASc Biomedical Engineering in Dalhousie University
Qualified students will be accepted into the M.A.Sc. programs from undergraduate engineering programs, from honours mathematics and physical or biological science programs, as well as from clinical professional programs (M.D., D.D.S., D.V.M.).
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3H 4R2
(902) 494-2211, (902) 494-2450
MASc Biomedical Engineering-Diploma in Prosthodontics Dual Degree in Dalhousie University
Students will require a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) or equivalent from a CDA/ADA accredited dental school, or have completed an accredited Qualifying Program, and must fulfil the following admission requirements:
1) A minimum mid-B average during the student's undergraduates coursework (with a minimum average of A- over the last two years) will be required, plus demonstrated ability to communicate and write in English (consistent with the entry requirements of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, e.g. TOEFL >600).
2) GRE Aptitude and advanced scores in one of the sciences are recommended for all applicants whose undergraduate work has been completed outside Canada.
3) Students in the combined Prosthodontics and Biomedical Engineering program will require undergraduate mathematics, physics, and chemistry. The exact requirements for these areas will depend on the nature of the research thesis to be undertaken, but normally will require second year calculus.
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3H 4R2
(902) 494-2211, (902) 494-2450