Master of Applied Management in Srusti Academy of Management
CriteriaFor admission to this course, a student should have passed 12th standard (or equivalent) examination and obtained at least 45% (40% marks for reserved category students) and should have passed a Common Admission Test conducted for the purpose.Admission taken in the first year shall be admission to the "5 year dual degree course" and he/she will not be required to take re-admission at any stage of the course unless he/she discontinues the course after 3rd or 4th year. The course framework provides additional entry points as, detailed below:. Student, who has discontinued his/her studies on obtaining BM degree, can join at a later date for the fourth and fifth year of the course to complete MAM. However, such student shall not be awarded BAM degree at the end of fourth year even if he/she discontinues studies in the fourth year. Student, who has discontinued his/her studies on obtaining BAM degree, can join at a later date for the fifth year of the course to complete MAM.Admissio
38/1, Chandaka Industrial Estate, Patia Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.
06746040011, 9439015757, 9439015858