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Bharathidasan University Tiruchirapalli Tiruchirappalli
Bharathidasan Institute of Management in Tiruchirappalli
Ponnaiyah Ramajayam Institute of Science and Technology Tiruchirappalli in Tiruchirappalli
National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli in Tiruchirappalli
Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College in Tiruchirappalli
Shrimati Indira Gandhi College in Tiruchirappalli
Pavendar Bharathidasan College of Engineering and Technology in Tiruchirappalli
Cauvery College of Engineering and Technology in Tiruchirappalli
St Josephs College Tiruchirappalli in Tiruchirappalli
Arena Animation Tiruchirapalli in Tiruchirappalli
Pavendar Bharathidasan Institute of Information and Technology in Tiruchirappalli
Trichy Engineering College in Tiruchirappalli
MAM College of Engineering in Tiruchirappalli
Anna University of Technology Tiruchirappalli in Tiruchirappalli
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Bharathidasan University Tiruchirapalli
Pudukkottai Highway (NH 210), Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu
04312407092, 04312407272
Master of Commerce
Master of Philosophy
Master of Philosophy in Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics
Doctor of Philosophy in Management
Bachelor of Arts in Economics
Bachelor of Arts in History
Bachelor of Science in Botany
Bachelor of Science in Zoology
Master of Arts in Sanskrit
Master of Arts in Economics
Master of Arts in Sociology
Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology
Bachelor of Arts in Music
Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry
Master of Science in Information Technology
Master of Library and Information Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Geology
Doctor of Philosophy in History
Doctor of Philosophy in Music
Doctor of Philosophy in Geography
Master of Philosophy in Library and Information Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work
Master of Philosophy in Social Work
Master of Philosophy in Economics
Master of Philosophy in Sociology
Master of Philosophy in Zoology
Doctor of Philosophy in Tamil
Bachelor of Social Work
Master of Arts in Applied Economics
Master of Philosophy in Management
Doctor of Philosophy in Physical Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Dance
Master of Philosophy in Journalism and Mass Communication
Bachelor of Arts in Tamil
Master of Arts in English Studies
Master of Arts in Human Resource Management
Bachelor of Arts in Applied Tamil
Doctor of Philosophy in Cooperation
Master of Arts in Cooperation
Doctor of Philosophy in Indian Culture
Doctor of Philosophy in Adult Education
Master of Philosophy in Food Science
Master of Philosophy in Chemistry
Master of Philosophy in English
Master of Science in Chemistry
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics
Master of Philosophy in Mathematics
Doctor of Philosophy in Commerce
Bachelor of Arts in English
Bachelor of Arts in Sanskrit
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
Master of Arts in History
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science
Master of Arts in Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics
Doctor of Philosophy in English
Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy
Master of Education in Educational Technology
Doctor of Philosophy in French
Doctor of Philosophy in Hindi
Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Science
Master of Science in Geography
Doctor of Philosophy in Sanskrit
Master of Arts in Tamil
Master of Philosophy in History
Doctor of Philosophy in Arabic
Master of Philosophy in Geography
Master of Philosophy in Statistics
Bachelor of Science in Geography
Master of Philosophy in Tamil
Master of Social Work
Doctor of Philosophy in Education
Master of Philosophy in Environmental Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Visual Communication
Bachelor of Arts in Cooperation
Master of Philosophy in Adult and Continuing Education
Doctor of Letters
Master of Arts in Gender Studies
Doctor of Philosophy in Women Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Oriental Culture
Master of Arts in Philosophy, Religion and Culture
Master of Performing Arts in Folk Dance
Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy, Religion and Culture
Master of Philosophy in Apparel and Fashion Technology
Bachelor of Commerce in Applied
Master of Commerce in Financial Management
Master of Philosophy in Commerce
Master of Commerce in Bank Management
Bachelor of Commerce in Bank Management
Bachelor of Computer Applications
Bachelor of Business Administration
Master of Business Administration in Environmental Management
Master of Philosophy in Hotel Management and Tourism
Doctor of Philosophy in Human Resource Management
Master of Business Administration in Financial Management
Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Management
Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Science
Master of Philosophy in Microbiology
Master of Philosophy in Biotechnology
Doctor of Philosophy in Biotechnology
Doctor of Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Botany
Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology
Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology
Master of Philosophy in Computer Science
Master of Science in Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Master of Philosophy in Electronics
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Technology
Master of Technology in Geo Remote Sensing and Geo-Informatics
Doctor of Philosophy in Bioinformatics
Master of Computer Applications
Master of Science in Biotechnology
Master of Science in Physics
Master of Technology in Information Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Doctor of Philosophy in Remote Sensing
Master of Technology in GIS Applications
Master of Technology in Geo Hydroinformatics using GIS
Master of Philosophy in Visual Communication and Electronic Media
Doctor of Philosophy in Eco Biotechnology
Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics
Master of Philosophy in Bioinformatics
Master of Science in Eco Biotechnology
Master of Science in Applicable Mathematics and Computer Science
Master of Science in Software Technology
Master of Science in E Commerce
Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Fashion Technology
Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Science
Master of Science in Information Technology and Management
Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Science
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Electronics
Bachelor of Science in Home Science
Master of Science in Food Service Management and Dietetics
Master of Science in Marine Science
Bachelor of Science in Geology
Master of Science in Statistics
Master of Science in Zoology
Master of Science in Biochemistry
Master of Philosophy in Physics
Bachelor of Science in Statistics
Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics
Master of Philosophy in Botany
Master of Philosophy in Biochemistry
Bachelor of Science in Visual Communication
Bachelor of Science in Hotel Management and Catering Science
Bachelor of Science in Fashion Technology and Costume Designing
Bachelor of Science in GeoScience
Master of Science in Plant Biotech
Master of Science in Gene Technology
Master of Science in Cyber Technology
Master of Science in Hotel Management and Catering Science
Master of Science in Industrial Electronics
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics
Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Science
Bachelor of Science in Health Care and Hospital Management
Master of Science in Health Care and Hospital Management
Master of Science in Marine Biotechnology
Master of Science in Environmental Science
Bachelor of Science in Electronics
Master of Science in Bioinformatics
Master of Science in Botany
Bachelor of Science in Microbiology
Master of Science in Microbiology
Master of Science in Mathematics
Master of Science in Medical Physics
Master of Science in Geoinformatics
Master of Science in Applied Geology
Master of Science in Animal Biotechnology
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