Trademark Registration - Mumbai
Registration of a trademark is very important for a company or if you’re starting a new business or trade. The company’s logo, name or signature is the first thing that should be unique from the rest. It should be protected from the others. Registering a trademark is a legal process that is provided under the Trade Marks Act, 1999. A Trademark is a symbol that makes the mark legally valid. Hence, registering your mark under the trademark act is very important for a company, so that the mark can be secured from the rest of the competition of that business. Registration of trademark for your business is very easy. Anything like a symbol, mark, signature, etc. which is important for a business should be registered, so that others cannot misuse the company assets.
Functions of a Trade Mark
1. It identifies the product of its origin
2. It guarantees its unchanged quality
3. It advertises the products
4. It creates an image for products.
5. Registering a trademark provides greater Protection
6. Registering a trademark deters others from using your trademark
7. Registering a trademark provides the trademark owner with greater remedies
Methods to register the trademark
Registration of a trademark can be done by two ways offline or online. Offline registration of the trademark can be done at one of the offices of the trademark register based on the jurisdiction. While online registration is called E-filing of a trademark. E-filing of a trademark application is a new service provided by the trademark office.
List of Documents required for Trademark Registration in Mumbai
1. Name of Trade Marks to be registered for search
2. LOGO / Trade Mark to be registered
3. Name, address, legal entity and Nationality of the applicant
4. Detail of Product or Service
5. Trade Description: Manufacturing / Trading / Service
6. Little information about the product
7. Name and designation of the person authorized to sign the application and other documents
8. Duly executed Power of Attorney
9. If the proposed trademark is already in use, date from which is used.
Trademarks Registration and Copyright Consultants provide this facility in many cities such as Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon NCR, and Bangalore, Hyderabad etc. You can click on any city and contact with them.