Tikona Customer Care Number - Mumbai
Tikona Customer Care Number Mumbai
1800 209 4276 and 022 6174 9700
E Mail Address of Tikona
Mumbai Address of Tikona
Tikona Digital Networks Private Limited, “Corpora' Office 3A, 3rd Floor, LSB Marg, Bhandup West, Mumbai – 400078
Tikona Web Link
About Tikona
The company was established in the year of 2008 by Prakash Bajpai in the city of Mumbai. The main motive of the company is to provide the best quality, value integrity, customer first and win win services. Tikona provides best Internet services which are based on broadband, wireless and 4G. The company has the largest area network, which is covered by the Internet broadband and wifi connections. Many numbers of customers are taking the services of this company.
Services of Tikona
With the help of the best services company received a number of awards which are Economics Times Telecom award 2013, Voice and Data leadership award 2012, Procurement Leaders Award 2013 and many more. The company offers numbers of schemes to attract customers for purchasing the Internet facilities. It provides Low cost communication services at very reasonable price. It provides best broadband network to customers. The company also provides the attractive traffic plans for customers to fulfill their Internet needs. All the services of this company are hassle free. There is no any worry about the bill payment. The company provides online recharge and bill payment services to customers.