eKart Logistics Customer Care Number in Lucknow

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Top eKart Logistics Customer Care Number in Lucknow

eKart Logistics Customer Care Number
Near Main Market, Lucknow
eKart Logistics Customer Care Number, Enquiry, Ekart Logistics Helpline Number
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XpressBees Courier Customer Care Number
Ashok Marg
Main Road, Lucknow
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Safe N Care Relocation and Logistics
House DSE-40, Sector-C, Kursi Road, Lucknow
07897036786  09506573007
Union Bank of India Customer Care Number
MG Marg
M G Marg, Lucknow
Vodafone Customer Care Number
Station Road
Station Road, Lucknow
State Bank of Hyderabad Customer Care Number
Station Road
Station Road, Lucknow
State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur Customer Care Number
MG Marg
M G Marg, Lucknow
South Indian Bank Customer Care Number
MG Marg
M G Marg, Lucknow
Syndicate Bank Customer Care Number
MG Marg
M G Marg, Lucknow
18004250585  9483522433
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eKart Logistics Customer Care Number - Lucknow

Get EKART Logistics Customer Care Number, Ekart courier, kart logistics tracking in Lucknow with Address, Contact Number, Photos, and Maps.

EKART Logistics
Ekart dispatching 10 million shipments per month to 5000+ stick codes and becomes the biggest production network. EKART conveys on a predictable brilliance in purchaser encounter by conveying dependably and overseeing changeability at scale. With a revived mission of changing center production networks through innovation, EKART is presently offering a similar proposal to Brands, Sellers, Platforms, and Consumers outside of the Flipkart Group. Built-up in 2009, EKART as Flip kart's in-house production network arm has controlled the development of Flipkart with advancements, for example, Cash on Delivery, In-a-day ensure, Same-day ensure.

How do I contact Ekart logistics customer support?

Ekart Logistics is one of India's leading e-retailer logistic services. You can call them at 1800-208-1888 between 8 AM and 11 PM On Monday-Friday and between 10 AM and 7 PM On Saturday-Sunday. Or you can email on Ekart logistics to complain about your product at cs@ekartcourier.com

Ekart Logistics Head Office Address
Brigade Manae Court, First Floor,
No.111, Koramangala Industrial Layout,
Bangalore- 560 095, Karnataka,

Ekart Logistics Tracking

Ekart introduced by Flipkart and is the trusted logistics partner that Delivers parcel to all major locations across India. The objective of Ekart to deliver packages in all rural areas as well as all cities. Most of the items which are placed in Flipkart are delivered by Ekart. If any complications occur during the shipment process Flipkart may change Ekart courier partner and hand over to other couriers instantly. This is the one-stop solution for customers to track around 100 courier company’s parcel at the same place.

How Ekart work for Flipkart?

Ekart is what was before known as Flipkart Logistics. It has been spun off from the parent organization and re-marked to showcase it to other internet business players as their coordination’s accomplice. It is clearly more practical than other outsider coordination organizations like BlueDart and DHL for last mile conveyance.

Ekart forms 30,000-40,000 requests every day for outsider organizations barring the volumes produced by Flipkart and Flipkart-possessed design gateway Myntra. The Ekart mark was obtained by Flipkart under an organization called Instakart Services in 2015 from WS retail, the essential merchant on the stage.

How To Track Ekart Courier?

Ekart Logistics is now the most esteemed courier company administered and managed by Flipkart officials. In the past, Ekart Logistics does not have its official tracking portal for its users. You can only access the Ekart tracking box via Flipkart's website. But, now you can track your Ekart package through Ekart logistics track i.e (https://ekartlogistics.com/). Ekart courier tracking you need 2 things - 1. Tracking Id 2. Another Email address.

Is Ekart deliver packages on Sunday/holidays?

Yes, Ekart delivers packages on Sunday. Ekart is Flipkart's coordination’s wing. In a perfect world, a standout among the most dynamic days for home conveyance, Flipkart or Amazon must adjust their administration level assertions along a stringent line to guarantee Sunday conveyances. So the essential answer is, indeed, the conveyances occur on Sundays.

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