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17, Parsee Church Street, Dalhousie, Kolkata
03366240541  7797254914
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Oswal Light Udyog
Pollock Street
9, Pollock Street, Shop No A 10, Kolkata
CFL Lamps, Halogen Lamps, Oswal Light Udyog, Electrical Goods, Light Fittings
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Divya Lite
Rabindra Pally
22 B, Shop No G 43, Rabindra Sarani, Kolkata
CFL Lamps, Leds, Hanging, Divya Lite, Electrical Goods, Led Downlights
KP Electricals
Strand Road
7, Parsee Church Street, Strand Road, Kolkata
03322350703  9830062645
Bhartiya Udyog
Strand Road
8, Parsee Church Street, Strand Road, Kolkata
03322350492  9331004853
CFL Lamps, Extension Cords, Heater Coils, Bhartiya Udyog, Electrical Wires, Electrical Switches
JS Electricals
Strand Road
9, Parsee Church Street, Strand Road, Kolkata
03340240256  9433133935
CFL Lamps, Extension Cords, JS Electricals, Electrical Wires, Electrical Switches, Switchgears
Pawan Electric Company
Strand Road
9, Parsee Church Street, Strand Road, Kolkata
03330210166  9836474458
JB Electric
Chandni Market
17, Temple Street, Chandni Market, Kolkata
09831602362  09007728308
CFL Lamps, JB Electric, Emergency Lights, LED Torches, CFL Lights
Geeta Stores
Bow Bazar
F-81, New Market, Bow Bazar, Kolkata
03322522878  9830542061
CFL Lamps, Geeta Stores, MCB Circuit Breakers, CFL Tubes, Electrical Accessories, Electrical Appliances
Wire House
Ezra Street
32, Shop No 51, Ezra Street, Kolkata
03322351530  9830542061
CFL Lamps, Wire House, MCB Circuit Breakers, CFL Tubes, Electrical Appliances
Damani Sales Agency
Ezra Street
32, Ezra Street, Kolkata
03339850162  9831006451
Gupta Lamps
Ezra Street
26, Ezra Street, Kolkata
03330210497  9239775994
CFL Lamps, Gupta Lamps, MCB Circuit Breakers, Electrical Appliances, Lighting Products, Light Fittings
Delhi Commercial Company
Rabindra Sarani
22, Shop No 321, Rabindra Sarani, Kolkata
CFL Lamps, Diamond Fittings, Copper Strips, Rods, Aluminum Strips, Lighting Products
Shyamlall Electric and Trading Company
Rabindra Sarani
22, Shop No G-112/A, Rabindra Sarani, Kolkata
03322376082  9830326065
CFL Lamps, Diamond Fittings, Shyamlall Electric and Trading Company
BS Brothers
44 Bagbazar Street, Pin Code-700003, Kolkata
03325555927  9749000000
Alve India
Bow Bazar
7A, Hospital Street, Bow Bazar, Kolkata
03332411279  9331061945
Parikh Electric Corporation
Ezra Street
Ground Floor, 36, Ezra Street, Kolkata
03322354743  9830054176
Nobal Electricals
Ezra Street
50, Ezra Street, Kolkata
03339850230  9830009082
ML Sinha and Company Pvt Ltd
Ezra Street
50, GPO Box 516, Ezra Street, Kolkata
Bapan Electric Company
Ezra Street
53, Ezra Street, Kolkata
03328330006  9330833255
Bapan Electric Company, Electronic Goods
CFL Lamps in Kolkata
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