Vegetable Shops in Jammu

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Darnumbal Fruit Company
Shed No-9, Phad No-4, New Subzi Mandi, Tarzova, Sopore, Pin Code- 181133, Jammu
08882755662  09858387432
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Dreamland Fruits Pvt Ltd
Talab Tillo
B-27, Vasant Vihar, Tawi, Near Kamla Palace, Pin Code- 180003, Jammu
01912555589  8803006761
Vegetable Shops, Fruit Shops, Dreamland Fruits Pvt Ltd, Fruits, Fruit Vendors, Fruit Dealers
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Vereshwar Fruit Traders
Shop No 95 and 188, New Fruit Market, 2nd PH, Pin Code- 180012, Jammu
09419181086  09419109117
Vegetable Shops, Fruit Shops, Vereshwar Fruit Traders, Fruits, Fruit Vendors, Fruit Dealers
Salinder Kumar
Shakti Nagar
Near Corporetive Bank, Pin Code- 180001, Jammu
Apples Sales Corporation
Fruit Mandy, Narwal Bye Pass, Jammu Ho, Pin Code- 180001, Jammu
Vegetable Shops, Apples Sales Corporation, Fruit Merchants, Fresh Fruits
Sham Lal and Sons
New Fruit Market, Narwal Mandi, Shop No 100, Pin Code- 180001, Jammu
Vegetable Shops, Sham Lal and Sons, Fruit Merchants, Fresh Fruits
Prem Sagar Sanjay Kumar
Shop No 40 and 45, Near Bye Railway Station, Sabzi Mandi, 41 2nd Phase, Pin Code- 181133, Jammu
09086094157  09419194157
Vegetable Shops, Fresh Vegetables, Vegetable Dealers, Prem Sagar Sanjay Kumar
Sham Lal Raj kumar
Shop Number- 5, Jammu Ho, Central Bank Of India, New Sabzi Mandi, Pin Code- 180001, Jammu
09419190517  09419182545
Vegetable Shops, Fresh Vegetables, Vegetable Dealers, Sham Lal Raj kumar, Fruits and Vegetables
Indian Economy Development Firm
5/5, Near Fire Brigate Office, Pin Code- 180001, Jammu
Vegetable Shops, Indian Economy Development Firm, Fruits and Vegetables
Sham LAL and Sons
Shop No 100, Near National Highway By Pass, Narwal Fruit Market, Pin Code- 180001, Jammu
Vegetable Shops, Sham Lal and Sons, Fruits and Vegetables
MS Jagdish Raj and Sons
National Highway, Pin Code- 180001, Jammu
09419190903  09419116600
Vegetable Shops, MS Jagdish Raj and Sons
Sanjay Kumar and Company
Shakti Nagar
Shop No- 93, Near J and K Bank, New Subji Mandi, Pin Code- 180001, Jammu
09086628218  09906024471
Vegetable Shops, Sanjay Kumar and Company
Vivek Kumar and Sons
Shahidi Chowk
Jammu HO, Pin Code- 180001, Jammu
Vegetable Shops, Vivek Kumar and Sons
Durga Fruit and Vegetable Company
76, Fruit Complex, Sabji Mandi, Near J and K Bank, Pin Code- 180001, Jammu
Parshant Electronics
Gandhi Nagar
Opposite Apra Theatre, Jammu
Om Electronics
Main Road, Nai Basti, Jammu
TV, LCDs, Washing Machines, Air Conditioners, Fridge, Refrigerators
Mittal Radio
Ragunath Bazar
Near Hari Theatre, Jammu
TV, LCDs, Washing Machines, Air Conditioners, Fridge, Refrigerators
Freedom Technology
Channi Himmat
Near Railway Crossing, Jammu
Hyderabad Chemicals Limited
Bari Brahmana-Town
Phase-II, Lane IV A, SIDCO Industrial Complex, Bari Brahmana, Jammu
01923221665  9848886160
Coromandal Fertilisers Limited
Bari Brahmana-Town
Lane No-4, Phase-I, S.I.C, Bari Brahmana, Jammu
01923220635  9906038780
Vegetable Seeds, Hybrid Seeds, Pesticides, Insecticides, Fertilizers, Agro Products
Vegetable Shops in Jammu
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