STATE: Haryana
LOCATION: Geographical location of Yamunanagar is 30.1°N 77.28°E.
AREA: Whole area that Yamuna Nagar covers is 1756 square kilometers.
STD CODE: 01732
POPULATION: The total population of Yamuna Nagar is 1,214,162 .
LITERACY RATE: City has literacy rate of 78.90 compared to 71.60 of 2001.
SEX RATIO: Sex ratio of Yamuna Nagar is 877 per 1000 male
CLIMATE: Yamuna Nagar experiences variety of seasons such as hot summer, cool winter,
and unexpected rainfall. The district also gets occasional winter rains from
LANGUAGES: The languages which usually spoken in this area are Hindi and English.
WHERE TO EAT: Yamuna Nagar is situated at the banks of the western Yamuna canal. There
are many hotels in this area known for their best services in hospitality, like:
Daffodils Plaza, Grey Palican Resort, Hotel Sapphire, Saubhagya Resort.
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