In Nellore city you can find various tourist place to visit ,Nellore is very beautiful city in the state of the Andhra Pradesh famous for its speciality and some of the famous places in Nellore city are mentioned below:
Udayagiri Fort:
There are several number of famous temples and thirteen buildings in this fort .It is the famous fort of Nellore. The fort comes under the rule of various rulers including Cholas, Pallavas and also into the hands of Vijayanagar rulers.
It is also a famous place of Nellore and the most sacred place for the pilgrims.It is located 80 Kms away from the Nellore.This temple is dedicated to the Lord Narasimha and situated at the top of vedagiri hills.
Other Famous places:-
Jonnawada, Mypad Beach, Pulicat Lake are other famous places in Nellore city.
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