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Culture Meerut

LANGUAGES: Hindi is the language widely spoken in Meerut.

WHERE TO EAT: Meerut is an important metropolitan city of the state. A number of hotels in Meerut which provides the taste of Meerut as well as what the visitor requires in addition have also helped in the development of tourism of this fast growing city. The major hotels in Meerut are

• Bravura Gold Resort
• Hotel Omega
• Hotel Naveen
• Hotel Crystal Palace

FESTIVALS: Numerous fairs are held around the country but there is nothing like the Nauchandi mela and Sardhana fair in Meerut.

NAUCHANDI MELA: Nauchandi mela is the symbol of communal harmony with Hindu and Muslim shrines -Nauchandi temple nad Dargah of Muslim Saint Bala Mian in Meerut. Visitors pay obeisance at both the shrines irrespective of the religion they belong to. The fair has its own history and numerous legends and stories are woven around it. The Nauchandi mela has been a tradition of hundreds of years. This mela streches for over a month. According to belief, Mandodari, Ravan’s wife, was born in a devil’s house in Meerut. She was, however, a great devotee of goddess Chandi and she had a temple erected in her honour. A religious festival was held to celebrate this occasion.

SARDHANA FAIR: Sardhana place houses a famous Catholic Church built in the year 1822 by Begum Samru. She is also regarded as the only Catholic Ruler in India. Every year on the 1st Sunday of the month of November a large feast is held in honor of Mother Mary. Devotes and history lovers gather in a large numbers to see not only the wonderful shrine but also the fine palaces built in Italian style around the church by Begum Samru.

KRISHNA JANAMASHTAMI: Krishna Janamashtami is the celebration of the birth of Lord Shri Krishna, in Mathura in 'Dwapar Yuga'. This celebration is said to be revealed originally by the Sri Krishna himself to Yudhishthira, the eldest of Pandavas. Temples of Lord Krishna are decorated most beautifully and children are adorned as Lord Krishna and Radhika, his spiritual beloved. At midnight, when Lord Krishna was believed to have taken birth, an 'aarti' is performed and people break their fasts by feasting on sweets and delicious dishes prepared especially for the occasion.

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