POPULATION: Total Population of city is 3,487,882, as per Census of 2011.
GEOGRAPHICAL AREA: Ludhiana has a vast area of about 3767 sq. km yet small for its
LITERACY RATE: City has literacy rate of 82.50 compared to 76.50 of 2001.
CLIMATIC CONDITIONS: Maximum temperature of City reaches to 45-46 degree and Minimum
temperature falls to 1 degree, which is never affected by hot summers here. Ludhiana has a semi arid
climate. From March to July, Ludhiana remains very hot and October and November, people feel a
pleasant whether here. But from December to February, everyone feels a chilled life as no one is ready
to leave quilts from their beds when cold winds blow around them.
RAINFALL: Normally annual rainfall during the year is 600-700 cm but nothing can be said if it
increases or decreases as what is happening to monsoons these days, no one can guess.
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