GEOGRAPHICAL AREA: City is Spread over a huge area of 3,401 sq. km, It is situated between
the fertile agricultural land of River Beas and Sutlej. Jalandhar is placed at a distance of 146 km from
POPULATION: Jalandhar's total population is 2,181,753 as per the census data of the year, 2011.
LITERACY RATE: City is having a literacy rate of 82.40 compared to 78.00 of 2001.
SEX RATIO: The sex ratio is 913 per 1000 male compared to 2001 census figure of 887.
CLIMATE AND WEATHER CONDITIONS: Jalandhar generally remains Dry. City experiences its
summer season from the middle of March to the end of June. The month of July, August and early parts
of September are the months of monsoon season.
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