Sector 08
SCO 108-109, 2nd Floor, Pin Code- 160018, Chandigarh
Sector 17
Sco No- 107-108, 2nd Floor, Adminstator Office Bulding, Sector- 17 B, Pin Code- 160017, Chandigarh
Sector 17
SCO 80-81, 2nd Floor, Sector 17-C, Pin Code 160017, Chandigarh
Sector 09
1st Floor, SCO No 145-146 Sector 9 C Chandigarh - 160022,, Chandigarh
Sector 38
2nd Floor, SCO-85, Pin Code:160038, Chandigarh
Sector 47
SCO-101, First Floor, Sector 47-C, Chandigarh
Sector 38
Sco 83, 2nd Floor, Sector 38 C, Chandigarh
Sector 09
SCO 6-8, 1st and 2nd Floor, Sector 9D, Madhya Marg Pin Code:160009, Chandigarh
Sector 44
Tiger House, SCO-92, Second Floor, Sector 44-C, Chandigarh
Sector 17
SCO 35-36, First Floor, Sector 17 C, Chandigarh
Sector 22
SCO 2475-76, First Floor, Above South Indian Bank, At Dividing Road of 21-D/22-C, Sector 22-C, Chandigarh
Sector 34
Sco-210-21, IInd Floor Sec-34A, Chandigarh
Sector 44
Sco-96, Basement Sector 44C, Chandigarh
Salvage Management Solutions, Claims Management, Plant Valuation Services, Automobile Valuation Services, Machinery Valuation Services, Marine Claims Management
Sector 44
Level II, SCO 267, Sector 44-C, Chandigarh
Sector 35
First Floor, Cabin No 202, Sector-35 B, Chandigarh
Sector 22
IDFC Mutual Fund, Sco-2475-76, 1st Floor, Sector-22, Chandigarh
IDFC Equity Funds,
IDFC Asset Management Company Pvt Ltd,
IDFC Debt Funds,
IDFC Hybrid Funds,
IDFC Nifty Funds Sector 17
SCO 10-11-12, Ist Floor, Sector-17 B, Pin Code 160017, Chandigarh
Sector 22
2nd Floor, Chamber No 4, Chandigarh Business Centre, SCO-2441-42, Sector 22 C, Chandigarh
Sector 17
SCO 80-81, 3rd Floor, Sector 17 C, Chandigarh
Sector 17
SCO-85-86, 2nd Floor, Cabin No 5, Sector-17 D, Chandigarh
Share Trading,
Real Estate Agents,
Demat Accounts,
Across Business Management Pvt Ltd