The world is crazy about freedom. The obsessions with freedom, in all aspects of life, have taken a heavy toll, on our lives.
Freedom to copulate with same sexes!
Freedom to live together, without getting tied down by marriage!
Freedom from the hassles of cooking elaborate family meals!
Freedom to be nude at the sea beaches and clubs!
Freedom to be medically treated without discrimination and questioning!
Freedom to commit heinous crimes on innocent public and latter on plead guilty, fake mental imbalance and get off the hook!
Freedom means, absence of interference, and having the power and resources to fulfill ones own potential! Total freedom has its own demerits. Freedom is acceptable till a pot is filled, but when the pot overflows, Freedom is a problem...
The transition from total slavery to absolute freedom is complete, but at what price. An extremely big price of course, which is our mental, physical health and well being!
What is Good Health? We all know only one definition, i.e. a body free from diseases and any chronic ailments is referred to as good health. But, do we know a good health is not just limited to be free from diseases..
Health is not the absence of disease, but physical, spiritual and mental well being.
Since the average cohabitation lasts merely four to five years, the disastrous side effects are innumerable. The basic problem is the absence of uniting and bonding with family. Eventually you get broken homes, confused young minds, foster parenting, single parent upbringing, manipulative baby sitters, loveless day care homes, pain of separation from last partners, loneliness, hate filled years, and stress of readjustment with the new, future partners.
The tragic part is: the new partners also go through the same negativity. So now you have two of the same kind together, under the same roof.
Their young ones grow up in the same high flux environment and follow the same path of freedom, becoming sexually active at tender ages of thirteen and fourteen, smoking, drinking, and even venturing into drugs while ignoring their schooling, skills development and studies.
The most common syntax coming from young ones is, “This is my life, leave me alone, I know what I am doing.” Really! There is no room for any reprimanding or mid course correction with these up coming skewed citizens.
All the above, is augmented by the greed of high consumption of everything: foods, drinks, smokes, fossil fuels, cars, and computer gadgets. Four hundred billion dollars of good food, is wasted every year, in north America alone, believe it or not.
The highly developed countries have national health care plans for their citizens, but paradoxically, they suffer from poor health. Simply pouring in more and more money, into the health care plans does not ensure good health at all. Good health depends upon preventive medicine, self control, and meaningful freedom.
The existing syndrome of doctor – medicine and costly treatments is Merchandise and gets you no where, except back into the clinics and hospitals again and again until you die. The West has lower life spans compared to Japan who spend half as much on health care and end up with higher life spans. On the other hand China and India which is one third of the world put together, have no health care plans at all for their citizens, and yet they have comparable decent life spans. The east is under nourished, yet has manageable problems. The west is over nourished, still has abundant problems.
The conventional allopathic doctor – medicine system is supplemented by various other cheaper systems: Tai–chi, Reiki, Pranic healing, grandmothers recipes, kitchen spices and herbs, Homeopathy, Yunani medicine, Aruvedic medicine, Earology, Reflexology, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Mudra Techniques, Marma Techniques, Magnet Therapy, Yoga, Hydro Therapy, Aroma Therapy, crystal and gemstones healing, to name a few of them. Most of them are self administered, easy and dirt cheap, to acquire.
The underlying premise is self control and limiting harmful inputs into your body, specially the toxic and dehydrating poisonous allopathic medicines with their positive compounding side effects. You treat your illnesses temporarily with strong doses of medicines which will eventually, be recalled, after a couple of years, leaving you permanently damaged with many more side effects. Death is the only solution in site for most of us.
Total freedom in the West, allows you to continue smoking a pack of highly toxic cigarettes per day and pursue treatment of lung cancer concurrently.
A diabetic patient will vehemently swear that he cannot let go his sugar loaded muffins, cookies, chocolates, and coke yet the treatment and medicines must be made available to him. It is his right. It does make quite a lot of sense in his “well frog world”. The hefty overweight bully wants to loose a couple of pounds but he will not give up his French fries, fried chicken, cheese loaded pizzas, and of course the weekly 12 cans of beer.
Very soon he will require a heart bypass or a pace maker. He too must have it, because it is his right. All these excessive calorie intake, and high consumption is very stupidly balanced by a sedentary life style of luxury cars and computer related desk jobs in their small wishful well.
If 5 % of the population is conscious of their health and can be spotted running, jogging, and exercising strict control on the inputs into their bodies, it does not make the rest of the 95 % population healthy. Why are we cursing GOD for all the miseries and bad heatlh, when they have been created by us.
Rohit Khanna is the author of the book -- Magic Of The Mind & Miracle Of The Body. This article has been taken from his book.