Life Post Lockdown Will Life Really Changes

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By Dimple Kumar on 12 Jun 2020 |
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Life Post Lockdown Will Life Really Changes

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned our lives from numerous points of view. From lockdowns, physical distancing to work from home, our day by day schedules have been totally overhauled. It is extremely appreciable that almost everybody is cooperating with the government guidelines by staying at home. As we have entered Lockdown 5.0, the nation has been isolated into red, orange and green zones.

A few relaxations have been given to those zones which fall under the orange and green zones. However, there is no relaxation given to the zones that are placed under the red and containment zones. After the COVID-19 pandemic says goodbye to us, life would not be the same. Everybody will take precautionary steps in his/her life in the future. Businesses will take a long time to return on track. Our lives after the lockdown will no longer be the same. There will be radical changes by the way we work, commute, socialize and communicate.

Life After Lockdown

1. Embrace Contactless Greetings
Wanting to shake hands? Reconsider. Following COVID-19 struck, you will be utilizing the 'Namaste' welcoming. The Namaste is a type of welcome utilized in India that doesn't include contact with the other individual, unlike a handshake. With physical distancing being supported, we will see more and more individuals will use the Namaste and avoid handshake because handshake carries a risk in post-COVID-19 world.

2. Changing The Way We Learn
With schools, colleges and universities being closed, now education is only possible through online classes. Educators over the world are utilizing the power of the internet to convey educational content to a student's home. This could signal a change in the manner students learn in a school after the pandemic closures.

3. Frequently Washing Of Hands
Is it accurate to say that you are using soap or sanitizer for cleaning hands frequently? One thing the COVID-19 pandemic has trained us is to keep up exceptionally high standards of personal cleanliness. Individuals are currently seen how basic acts like washing hands with soap and water may save their lives. Before the pandemic began, a large number of us treated hand washing very casually, but that has changed totally in the previous few months. Also, this change is something that is going to remain for a long time to come.

4. No More Public Spitting
In India, it isn't unexpected to see spit stains on government buildings, railway stations, roads and streets. While the government tried to spread consciousness by putting up posters and even imposing fines, nobody cared. However, since everybody needs to wear masks in public places, markets, malls and maintain personal cleanliness, spitting could be a thing of the past.

5. Better Air Quality
Three to four months into the lockdown, environmentalists over the world saw something unusual – the ozone layer was healing itself. Not simply that, air quality in metro cities like Delhi and Mumbai has improved radically during the lockdown. What this lets us know is that nature can recuperate rapidly if we give it a little space and time. This will place into point of view how we have had a good time with nature every one of these years and encourage individuals to do more for the environment and enjoy the advantages of a greener earth.

While we might be in lockdown at present, we ought to set ourselves mentally for the changes going to happen post-COVID-19. This will assist us with adjusting and rise as stronger people.

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Dimple Kumar


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