Change is inevitable. Change is evolution. Change is development. Change is betterment. We all know it. Yet, mental inertia precludes change.
Nature loves change. Man abhors change. Seasons change. Organisms evolve. Biological evolution has made us human beings from a single cell amoeba. But, ask a man to change his hair style, and he will revolt. This is his conscious mind. Unconsciously he likes change. He eats different foods. Changes his clothes. Wants to go to different locations for vacations. Above all, he wants to interact with different people; he is bored by his partner at home.
The only constant in this universe is Change. Everything keeps changing, day and night, seasons, our bodies; we grow, we age, we die.
Change is inevitable. We have a choice. Accept or perish. Either we manage change or change will manage us. Either way we will change.
In humans, change is an emotional upheaval. By default we all are creatures of habit. Our instinctive reaction to any change is denial. By definition, habits are ‘shackles of the free’. Yet we accept them willingly. We welcome routine. Unchartered waters are scary. Anything repeated makes us comfortable. We do not wish to leave our comfort zones.
As a leader it is easy to opt for a change. It is difficult getting people to accept and execute it. The two most difficult things in life are; one, to put a new idea into a man’s head, and two, to get money out of someone’s pocket. You want change, you have to lead, by example.
India has been aping the west for quite some time now. Some part is good and some is bad. Our social culture seems to be better than theirs but their work culture is far better for the advancement of the country as a whole. Their procedures, their discipline, their dedication to work are the assets we should emulate. This change will be good. This is superior than our ‘chalta hai’ attitude. Increase in consumerism is nudging us to wake up and move fast to keep pace with changing times and latest trends. At least, let us participate in the race.
No change means stagnation. Stagnation means mediocrity. Mediocrity is the bane of any single organism or society a whole. No change means routine. Change is adventure. And, if you think, adventure is dangerous, try routine, it is lethal.
Is change good ? you be the judge.