His Story

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By Bhavna Sharma on 10 Jul 2012 |
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His Story

Truth is stranger than fiction. And the ultimate truth of mankind has always been believed to be – man’s history. When it comes to history, no one questions the facts or figures, whatever is given is considered the final word. Man’s faith in history even precedes man’s faith in religion.

History has been constant throughout man’s existence like earth on which he lives, like the sun that gives him light. Men in history and man’s histories have always been a source of inspiration and enlightenment.

Man want fame, recognition and above everything else men want to be remembered long after – they want to be immortal. The one place that promises men immortality is – History. In the annals of history we see so many men and women – heroes and anti- heroes made unforgettable – immortal. The relationship between men and history is of a purely business nature. Men give history importance; call it the Truth and history makes them immortal.

But, history itself is very humble. It never asks us to believe it to be truth. It gives a choice to men; either they can believe it or they can reject it outright. Though the funniest part is this choice is actually no choice at all, because history knows man’s biggest weakness – the need to belong. And, history being humble and so generous, gives men the very thing they want – roots. And, in return it doesn’t ask for a thing. That is why men respect it without differentiating whether it has been a history of glory or notoriety or shame. What counts for them is that it is – historical fact.

An orphan is never allowed to fit into society if he has no last name. He is always treated as an outcast. Why? Because he has no past and no history. See how important history is. Never again should it be called a boring or stagnant subject.

History is a reflection of man’s evolution. There have unfortunately been many misrepresentations made by historians and historical texts in the past and in turn we are duty-bound to guard against this dangerous trend. Ideologies, economics, politics, even culture often determine the way and history is told.

Let History flourish in its essence form – that of a discipline that records truthfully the march of Time and Civilisation. Otherwise it will be reduced to what Napoleon called it – “a fable agreed upon.”

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Bhavna Sharma


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