We make our lives; or is it destiny which rules our lives? It is obvious that we make a Choice, select a path for ourselves and then move along; but yet, is Destiny the deciding factor?
I’ve pondered upon this question for quite some time. And I’m still on the horns of the dilemma – is choice the determining factor or is Life governed by Destiny?
Choices are made on the basis of instinct, intentions and intellect. But behind all these, there are larger forces that play an often unseen, but significant role in the operation of that choice.
People, who believe Destiny is the driving force in life’s journey, leave their ‘choices’ to it. They believe in the Hand of Fate and so, give more credence to the Destiny factor.
Then there are those among us who do not entrust our entireties to Destiny, but make active Choices in our lives like attitudes, work, relationships and goals. Such people do not totally negate the role of Destiny but are not totally fatalistic either.
In my view, most Indians are fatalistically inclined rather than choice-oriented. This is probably because of deep-rooted cultural, religious, psychological and politico-historical reasons. The profound influence of the epics and scriptures from our ancient cultural inheritance have shaped the Indian psyche largely in favor of Destiny; Kismat; Karma… one may use different terms for it.
However, neither Choice (Action) nor Destiny (Fate) can exclusively preclude the other. They are so inextricably intertwined that they cannot be separated from each other. In each individual’s life, his or her path is part of a Larger Picture; a picture which we do not use as part of the immediate Choice, but which is nevertheless guided by a greater, hidden thread.
It seems fitting to conclude this never-ending debate with the following words:
“All we have gained by our disbelief;
Is a life of doubt diversified by faith,
For one of faith diversified by doubt,
We can call the chessboard white,
We can call it black.”
---- Robert Browning
Now my fellow readers, what do you have to say on this??