Countdown Begins

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By Bhavna Sharma on 10 Jul 2012 |
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Countdown Begins

“A moment in my tummy and a lifetime in my heart” is a feeling which is so pure for an expecting mother. God has created perfect models in every living form. God created mothers for us.

Just imagine once that if men were equally at risk from this condition. That they knew their bellies might swell as if they were suffering from end- stage cirrhosis. That they would have to go nearly a year without a sip of their favourite drink, a cigarette, or even an aspirin. That they would be subject to fainting spells and unable to fight their way onto commuter trains. What a torture!!

Then I am sure that pregnancy would be classified as a sexually transmitted disease and abortions would be no more controversial than now when women go for it.

This is where you get your reply that why God created mothers. Who are patient and nurture their baby well without cribbing. Development from an embryo to an adult was intended to be free from trauma, the subsequent degeneration unto death a pleasant experience. But bad habits and shallow judgment have become the bane of existence.

Unless man changes his ways of life radically to a more clean code of conduct, he is doomed to destruction. Why not follow simple yet bound medicinal tips.

Let us make pregnancy an occasion when we appreciate our female bodies. So, for all the expecting mothers, this is how you can protect yourself in this period of your motherhood.

Right from the day you come to know about your pregnancy, you need to start keeping extra care for yourself and the baby. You need to diligently follow effective medications, which would protect you and your baby from diseases. A new born baby often tend to diagnose with jaundice, but if the mother take extra care during pregnancy, the baby will not be affected with these diseases.

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Bhavna Sharma


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Aditya Sharma

It becomes an equal responsibility and opportunity of men to help and comfort their wives during pregnancy. Like in Australia and some other countries it is legally obligatory for men to take care of child and his cleanliness, if not, he is liable to a legal state of decree. Moral obligations should be tied with law.

24 Jul 2012

During pregnent they should aviod getting angry,avoid to watch violent movie.daily they can hear good talks given by spritual master and some karnataic music.What ever they communicATE TO THE BABY IN WOMB AFTER COMING TO THIS EARTH IF THE BABY WEEPS ALREADY HERED TALS MUSIC IF PLAYED BABY MAY CALM.ALL HUSBAND HAVE GRATERR ROLE DURING THE PERIOD THEY SHOULD SHOW VERY MUCH LOVE AND AFFECTION ON HIS WIFE ITIS VERY MUCH ESSENTIAL FOR BEHAVIOUR OF BABY LATER ON

21 Jul 2012

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