BCA Helpline Numbers
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BCA is a Indonesian Bank, stands for Bank Central Asia was came into existence on 10th of August 1955 while the official existence of BCA was held on 21st of February 1957 as Bank Central Asia NV. But during the year 1997, the monetary crisis held in Asia which made an effective impact on all the banking system of Indonesia and as a result the bank was taken over by the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency. After this act of Indonesian G overnment, the circumstances were overcome and the bank developed with the recovery. By serving the best and high qualitative products and well equipped service of finance, soon the BCA become one of the famous banks. On the other hand, the big networks of BCA branches, ATMs can be found at each nearest place. All kinds of business as small, mid-sized and large are served with a best finance services.
The products of the BCA are categorized for each client as per their need that includes the Individuals, Corporate and Commercial. The main services of BCA contains the e-banking, BCA prioritas, credit card, insurance, loans, remittance, saving, financing options, international banking services, cash management, treasury and custodian services, etc. many other. The solutions are offered by using the banking services in the field of ideal residential, future investment, education plan, easy transaction, practical savings, maximum protection etc. These products and services are well detailed at the website of BCA as well as the related forms with BCA Trade, Credit Card, Consumer Credit and others can also be downloaded by visiting on website.
BCA Headquarters Address
Menara BCA, Grand Indonesia, JI. MH Thamrin Number-1, Jakarata-10310