All Physical Things Are Made From Invisible Stuff

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By Rohit Khanna on 30 Jul 2012 |
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All Physical Things Are Made From Invisible Stuff

What do you see, when the sun’s ray’s fall down on us? White light! Not exactly, white light. This white light is actually made up of seven different colorful rays, the rainbow colors of different frequencies. What else do you NOT see up there? On each side of the rainbow we have the famous ultraviolet rays and infrared rays.

All of the above rays, invisible to us, are definitely coming down on us. Then we have the heat waves in the sun rays. They warm up the whole of the earth. The SUN is the biggest heavenly body in our solar system. It is made up of hot, very hot gases. Invisible stuff! Hydrogen and helium gases! The UV rays can make you blind, while the infra red rays can help you see in the dark. Do you see the cosmic balance and marvel?

Our planet Earth, too, was a ball of hot gases billions of years ago. Today it has cooled off a bit, on the surface, but it is still very hot inside, near the core of the earth. We know this, when we see some volcanoes spilling out hot lava. The earth is spinning at high speed on its axis.

At this high speed all the living and non living things should fly out into space. But we do not. WHY? Because of an invisible force called GRAVITY. This force holds us down on to the earth. The invisible stuff again.

How do ships and airplanes navigate? How do they find their directions and destinations in dark nights and foggy days? There is a small device called the magnetic compass. This is responsible for all the advancement today. What is around a magnetic piece of steel? Magnetic field the, invisible stuff.

Our earth is also a giant magnet with its south end located in the North Pole and north end located in the South Pole. This is how the north tip of a magnetic compass is always attracted towards the south end of the earth’s magnet which is located in the North Pole. All this is invisible stuff.

Two third of the earth is water. All life is dependent upon water. But water is made up of stupid unfeeling stuff called hydrogen and oxygen. All is invisible stuff. If your girlfriend was to come to you, into a totally dark room with a bouquet of roses, can you tell them apart? Of course you can, because roses have an invisible stuff around them. The rose fragrance fills up the room and your nose can tell all.

In your air tight houses and apartments you can easily tune in to your favorite songs on the radio and movies on the television sets. These large radio waves and micro TV waves can penetrate anything even concrete walls. All this is really, the invisible stuff.

Cell phone talks, email messages in all languages, text messages, by the millions are up in the air all over the world, criss crossing each other without getting mixed up, intelligent invisible stuff.

As far as you know all solid looking things are solid: Wood, steel, granite, plastics. But for X-rays, these solid materials are extremely porous. X-rays go through them very easily just like knife through butter.

Paradoxically these powerful X-rays cannot go through our bones. This goes to show that our bones are stronger than steel. They definitely last longer than steel, because we are still, digging up bones of our ancestors, from millions of years ago. It is all about invisible stuff again.

Now we come to the mysterious law of LOTUS SUTRA, the law of cause and effect. “MIYO HORANGE KIYO” the cause lies embedded in the outer shell of our body, while the effect takes place inside the core body.

If all things are made up of invisible stuff then what about our bodies. Yes definitely we too are no exceptions, and are made up of that same invisible stuff. We are 99% invisible and only 1% physical. Don’t be surprised, this is true. Your BRAIN is located in the small head, but where is the MIND, EGO, memory, emotions, past experiences, faith, fears, anger, guilt, despair, happiness, joy and ecstasy.

All these invisible components of your body need lot and lots of space; hence they are located outside your body, all around us. The outer shell reaches out, up to three meters on an average. It can expand up to 10 meters or more, simply by concentrating on it. This is the real HALO, which was visible around many saints and holy men of the past. Such phenomenon is in the process of becoming extinct in present days.

We have seven layers over our skin which extends up to six inches away. These Auras are the real invisible stuff. The seven Auras starting from inside are: Physical, Etheric, Emotional, Mental, Astral, Etheric template, Celestial Ketheric template. Next we have a large complement of twenty two chakras located over various locations of the body. There are seven basic chakras in pairs located over our spine from head to base. These chakras are conical wheels, spinning at very high speed facilitating the flow of cosmic energy into our body, to keep us alive and healthy. The seven chakras starting from head are: crown, forehead, throat, heart, solar plexus, hara and pelvic.

Their Sanskrit names being: Muladhara, Svadhisthan, Manipura, Anthanta, Vishudduhi, Ajna, and Sahasrara. The Individuation point lies 36 inches above the head while the Soul Seat sits in the upper chest. The Tan Tien point is located 2 inches below the navel and the Core Star point is just 2 inches above the navel.

To protect all of the above we have a meter long health rays all around us running perpendicular to our bodies. Finally a spherical shell of Etheric luminous ionized zone gives another protecting covering for all the invisible components which are responsible for everything that happens inside our physical bodies.

All day long we are thinking, imagining, and worrying, fearing, going into past, coming back to present and even venturing into future, too. We have to store up ninety years of stupid past experiences; hence we need lots of space, lots of software which is definitely located outside our body.

At night when we go to sleep, we start to dream. We see dreams with our eyes closed. How powerful we are? Yet most of us feel powerless and helpless all our lives. We can see with the “eyes” of our mind. Is it not magic? We can also dream with our eyes open.

You may need a laptop or a computer to send and receive your emails. If you happen to shoot out a nasty email, then it can be traced back to you for a penalty. But you do not need anything, except your mind to send and receive prayers, wishes, intentions, thoughts, and desires. They reach the person you want them to reach and affect them, yet they are untraceable. This invisible stuff is super intelligent and instantaneous, hence beware.

It is not your fault that you do not know all this reality and facts, because no one ever told you about it. Now you know, hence be aware of your invisible body and use it to your advantage and for others too. Since the invisible body is in majority and the physical is very much in minority, we have to concentrate more on the invisible body. This is the difference in Real Anatomy and Gray’s Anatomy.

Personally, I check the functioning of my chakras, every month with the help of a conical wooden top suspended by a thread. The tip of top is held one inch over the solar plexus, heart, forehead positions and allowed to oscillate on its own. Vigorous circular movement is a good sign. If the movement is skewed, sluggish and elliptical then corrective action is required immediately.

Rohit Khanna is the author of the book -- Magic Of The Mind & Miracle Of The Body. This article has been taken from his book.

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Rohit Khanna


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