9 Proven Vastu Tips For Business Growth

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By Dimple Kumar on 10 Jul 2020 |
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Recent Blogs | Astrology | 9 Proven Vastu Tips For Business Growth
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9 Proven Vastu Tips For Business Growth

Happiness comes with prosperity and good life style. Living a good life is easier if you follow some of the right rules and techniques. Vastu is also one of the very important factor in our life. A right vastu tips can bring your life from down in the sky. Whereas practicing wrong vastu shastra can do completely opposite. Whether it is for your house or business you should always consult a good vastu shastra scholar who can tell you the importance of all the five elements and their position in the building.

It is said business run with clever strategies and plans. But sometimes even with the smartest and talented partners and staff, business does not give enough result or outcome as you expect. In that case you need to know about vastu shastra for new business opportunities. It is the ancient times where it all started. The architecture of old times is designed on the basis of these vastu shastra only. And there are proven stories that these things actually work. Through this blog we will tell you how online vastu experts can be useful for your business.

Easy Vastu Tips For The Success For Your Business

1. The very first thing starts with the location of the building where you have your business. The direction of the property is very important. As per Vastu tips, the directions play a very vital role in maintaining the stability in your business. If we talk about business properties the ideal directions are north, north – east and north – west. It is said that north is the direction of lord of wealth and prosperity. Lord Kuber himself present in that direction and bless you and your business for higher positions.

2. Secondly we can talk about the entrance of the property where your business belongs. The entrance should always be in the north or east direction. There should be no obstacle or anything useless should be kept at the entrance. Entrance symbolizes the kind of energies your property surrounds. If it is messed with other things and useless stuff, it will never let positive energies to move freely. And due to no proper space for energies, the blockages and problems will be there with your success and business.

3. Now after entrance we directly face the reception. Reception should always be decent and less decorated with useful stuff. It reflects the power of the company and the nature of the people who work there. The reception center must always be facing east or north east. These direction brings peace and prosperity for the company and for the business according to vastu tips.

4. If we talk about the owner’s room or cabin. It should be located in the south west direction. The person working in the cabin must always face north. The table should be rectangular in shape. No hustle on the table. Idols of the god must not be kept just as decoration. It should not be covered or hidden. Even if you prefer to keep any divine idol always remember to pray and wipe the idol with the clean cloth.

5. Accounts department is another very important place cannot be ignored. It should also be in north or east direction. Because it is believe the money transaction can be done ideally from these directions. If you ask about where to keep or the directions of the cabinets. Then preferably it is southwest or north.

6. Come to working stations of the employees. Again the east direction is the best. The employee should face either east or north while working. The north and east direction are meant for good production. I also keep the person calm and energetic throughout. The surroundings of the employee cabins must be decent and simple. No dark colors, mild and soothing will do the job.

7. Sometimes you must have planned for stairs. In fact now we can see companies are multistoried and there are elevators or stairs for the convenience of the employees. Well if we talk about staircase it should never be in the center of the building. Preferably the directions for the staircase will be south or southwest. Avoid painting it with black color. Use light soothing colors again for the staircase.

8. Another important department will be I guess sales and marketing. It should be in the northwest corner of the building. And must be facing the north direction. This is one of the best vastu tips which keep the employees motivated and happy.

9. As we have discussed about the finance department but still you may doubt where to keep the money otherwise. Well the southwest direction is considered best for the financial security. This direction brings the financial stability to the business. Hence whenever you think of keeping money section safe in the business always prefer southwest direction.

So, now you know the reasons about Vastu that how they will improve your decision making skills, which will ultimately help you in your career growth.

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Dimple Kumar


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