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Swansea University
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Swansea University
Singleton Park, Swansea, SA2 8PP Wales UK
+44 (0) 1792 205678, +44 (0)1792 513100
BA History and English
PhD Applied Linguistics
BA American Studies and English
BA American Studies and History
BA Classical Civilization and Latin
BA Classical Civilization and English
BA Classical Civilization and German
BA Classical Civilization and Language Studies
BA Economic History and Ancient History
BA Egyptology and Ancient History
BA English Language Studies
BA English literature and Language Studies
BA English literature and American Studies
BA European History with English
BA European History with German
BA European History with Spanish
BA French and TEFL
BA French with Computer Studies
BA French and American Studies
BA French and Economic History
BA French and German with Computer Studies
BA French and Italian with Business Studies
BA French and Italian with Legal Studies
BA French and Spanish with Business Studies
BA French and Spanish with Legal Studies
BA French and Welsh with Computer Studies
BA German and TEFL
BA German with Computer Studies
BA German and American Studies
BA German and English
BA German and French
BA German and Italian with Business Studies
BA German and Italian with Legal Studies
BA German and Spanish with Business Studies
BA German and Spanish with Legal Studies
BA German and Welsh with Computer Studies
BA Greek and Ancient History
BA Greek and French
BA Greek and Language Studies
BA History and Classical Civilization
BA History and Greek
BA International Relations with American Studies
BA International Relations with German
BA International Relations with Spanish
BA Italian and TEFL
BA Italian with Computer Studies
BA Italian and American Studies
BA Italian and Classical Civilization
BA Italian and European Politics
BA Italian and Geography
BA Italian and History
BA Italian and Spanish with Business Studies
BA Italian and Spanish with Legal Studies
BA Italian and Welsh with Computer Studies
BA Language and Communication
BA Language Studies and Ancient History
BA Language Studies and German with Business Studies
BA Language Studies and Spanish with Business Studies
BA Latin and French
BA Latin and History
BA Latin and Language Studies
BA Media Studies and French
BA Media Studies and Italian
BA Media Studies and Welsh
BA Medieval Studies and Ancient History
BA Medieval Studies and French
BA Medieval Studies and History
BA Medieval Studies and Latin
BA Politics and Social History
BA Politics and English
BA Public and Media Relations
BA Screen Studies and French
BA Screen Studies and Italian
BA Screen Studies and Welsh
BA Spanish and TEFL
BA Spanish with Computer Science
BA Spanish and American Studies
BA Spanish and Classical Civilization
BA Spanish and Economics
BA Spanish and French
BA Spanish and Italian
BA Spanish and Latin
BA Spanish and Politics
BA Spanish and Welsh with Computer Studies
BA War and Society
BA Welsh and Economics
BA Welsh with Computer Studies
BA Welsh and American Studies
BA Welsh and Classical Civilization
BA Welsh and European Politics
BA Welsh and Geography
BA Welsh and Greek
BA Welsh and Italian
BA Welsh and Latin
BA Welsh and Politics
Master of Mathematics
BA Business Economics
B Sc Economics
BA English Literature
BA French and Economics
BA French and Italian
BA Politics and German
BA History and Economics
BA History and German
BA Italian and Economics
BA Spanish
MA Early Modern History
MA German Studies
MA Modern History
PhD Economics
B Sc Psychology
M Phil Egyptology
BA Economic and Social History
BA Politics
M Phil History
BA Classical Civilization
BA Economics and Politics
BA German
BA Politics and Social Policy
MA Gender and Culture
PhD Classics
PhD Geography
MA Creative Writing
BA Spanish and History
BA American Studies
MA Literary Translation
PhD American Studies
M Sc Social Research
BA History and Geography
B Sc Financial Economics
BA Italian and English
BA Human Geography
BA Ancient and Medieval History
B Sc Economics and Geography
BA Geography and English Literature
MA Ancient Egyptian Culture
MA Ancient Narrative Literature
MA Contemporary Celtic Studies
MA Digital Media
MA European Cultures
MA Hispanic Studies
MA International Communication and Development
MA Maritime and Imperial History
MA Professional Writing
MA Screening and Staging Europe
MA Translation with Language Technology
MA Welsh Writing in English
M Phil Ancient History
M Phil Language Studies
PhD Ancient History
PhD Ancient History and Medieval Studies
PhD Classical Archaeology and Egyptology
PhD Egyptology
PhD Media and Communication Studies
B Sc Econ Social History and Social Policy
Foundation Certificate in Health Studies
MA Child Welfare and Applied Childhood Studies
MA Developmental and Therapeutic Play
PhD Applied Social Science
MA Professional Education in Clinical Settings
PGDip Professional Education in Clinical Settings
M Phil Childhood Studies
BA Translation
BA American Studies and Economic History
BA American Studies and Geography
BA American Studies and Politics
BA Classical Civilization and Economic History
BA Classical Civilization and French
BA Classical Civilization and Greek
BA Economic History and Economics
BA Egyptology
BA Egyptology and Classical Civilization
BA English literature and TEFL
BA English literature with Gender
BA English literature and Ancient History
BA European History with French
BA European History with Italian
BA European History with Welsh
BA French with Business Studies
BA French with Legal Studies
BA French and Ancient History
BA French and German with Business Studies
BA French and German with Legal Studies
BA French and Italian with Computer Studies
BA French and Language Studies
BA French and Spanish with Computer Studies
BA French and Welsh with Business Studies
BA French and Welsh with Legal Studies
BA German with Business Studies
BA German with Legal Studies
BA German and Ancient History
BA German and European Politics
BA German and Geography
BA German and Italian with Computer Studies
BA German and Language Studies
BA German and Spanish with Computer Studies
BA German and Welsh with Business Studies
BA German and Welsh with Legal Studies
BA Greek and English
BA Greek and German
BA History and Russian Studies
BA History and Economic History
BA International Relations and Modern History JH
BA International Relations with French
BA International Relations with Italian
BA International Relations with Welsh
BA Italian with Business Studies
BA Italian with Legal Studies
BA Italian and Ancient History
BA Italian and Economic History
BA Italian and French
BA Italian and German
BA Italian and Language Studies
BA Italian and Spanish with Computer Studies
BA Italian and Welsh with Business Studies
BA Italian and Welsh with Legal Studies
BA Language Studies and TEFL
BA Language Studies and French with Business Studies
BA Language Studies and Italian with Business Studies
BA Latin and English
BA Latin and German
BA Latin and Italian
BA Media Studies and English
BA Media Studies and German
BA Media Studies and Spanish
BA Medieval History and Classical Civilization
BA Medieval Studies and English
BA Medieval Studies and Greek
BA Medieval Studies and Italian
BA Political Communications
BA Politics and Ancient History
BA Politics and History
BA Screen Studies
BA Screen Studies and German
BA Screen Studies and Spanish
BA Social History and Social Policy
BA Spanish with Business Studies
BA Spanish with Legal Studies
BA Spanish and Ancient History
BA Spanish and Economic History
BA Spanish and European Politics
BA Spanish and German
BA Spanish and Language Studies
BA Spanish and Medieval Studies
BA Spanish and Welsh with Business Studies
BA Spanish and Welsh with Legal Studies
BA Welsh
BA Welsh with Business Studies
BA Welsh with Legal Studies
BA Welsh and Ancient History
BA Welsh and English
BA Welsh and French
BA Welsh and German
BA Welsh and History
BA Welsh and Language Studies
BA Welsh and Medieval Studies
BA Welsh and Spanish
BA Ancient History
BA Classics
BA Economics
B Sc Economics and Mathematics
BA French
BA Politics and French
BA Politics and Italian
BA German and Economics
BA History and French
BA History
B Sc Geography
MA Classics
MA English
MA Medieval Studies
M Sc Research Methods in Psychology
M Phil Economics
PhD Psychology
M Phil Classics
BA Geography
PhD English
PhD History
M Phil Psychology
BA Geography and Spanish
BA International Relations
MA Politics
MA International Relations
M Phil English
M Phil Geography
MA History
MA International Security
BA English Literature with Creative Writing
BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics
BA Media Studies
BA History and Ancient History
BA History and American Studies
BA French and English
BA Spanish and English
MA Medical Humanities
BA Economics and Social Policy
BA Geography and Economics
BA Geography and French
MA Ancient History and Classical Civilization
MA Comparative Journalism
MA Development and Human Rights
MA English Language Studies
MA European Literary and Cultural Studies
MA Hollywood and the World
MA Latin American Studies
MA Modernism
MA Public Policy
MA Teaching English as a Foreign Language
MA War and Society
M Phil American Studies
M Phil Ancient History and Civilization
M Phil Media and Communication Studies
PhD Ancient History and Civilization
PhD Classical Archaeology
PhD Classics, Ancient History and Egyptology
PhD Language Studies
B Sc Social Work
B Sc Econ Social Policy
M Sc Global Migration, Politics and Society
MA Childhood Studies
M Sc Ageing Studies
PhD Childhood Studies
PGCert Professional Education in Clinical Settings
M Phil Applied Social Science
B Sc Business Economics
B Sc Accounting and Finance
Master of Business Administration
M Sc Finance
B Sc International Business Management
M Sc Health Care Management
M Sc Marketing
M Sc Chronic Condition Management
PGDip Chronic Condition Management
BA Business Management with Law
M Phil Business Management
M Sc Management with International Management
M Sc Econ Business Economics
M Sc Econ Business Economics with Finance
B Sc Financial Economics with Accounting
B Sc Management Science and Mathematics
B Sc Management Science with Finance
B Sc Business Economics with Accounting
B Sc Business Management with Finance
B Sc Business Management with Marketing
M Sc Management
BA International Business Management
BA Business Management
B Sc Business Management
B Sc Management Science
PGCert Chronic Condition Management
BA Business Management with Accounting
MRes Environmental Management
M Sc Management with Finance
M Sc Management with Marketing
M Sc Econ Business Economics with Computing
PhD Business Management
B Sc International Business Economics
B Sc Management Science with Accounting
B Sc Management Science with Marketing
B Sc Business Management with Accounting
B Sc International Business Management with Information Systems
B Sc Business Management and Economics
Bachelor in Midwifery
BN Mental Health Nursing with Carmarthen
BN Nursing with Child
B Sc Clinical Physiology with Cardiology
Most Advanced Initial Degree in Osteopathy
M Sc Medical Radiation Physics
PGCert Nursing
M Sc Public Health and Health Promotion
PGDip Public Health and Health Promotion
PGCert Public Health and Partnerships in Care
M Sc Public Health and Specialist Community Public Health Nursing
M Sc Abnormal and Clinical Psychology
PhD Medicine
Diploma in Trauma Surgery
Graduate Diploma in Law
M Sc Health Informatics
B Sc Medical Genetics
M Sc Nursing
B Sc Medical Biochemistry
BN Adult Nursing with Carmarthen
BN Nursing with Adult
BN Nursing with Mental Health
MB Bch Medicine
MA Health Care Law and Ethics
M Sc Nanomedicine
PGDip Nursing
PGCert Public Health and Health Promotion
M Sc Public Health and Partnerships in Care
PGDip Public Health and Partnerships in Care
M Sc Econ Early Childhood
M Phil Medicine
M Sc Trauma Surgery
B Sc Health and Social Care
PGDip Health Informatics
PGCert Health Informatics
M Phil Health Science
PhD Health Science
Doctor of Medicine
LLB Law and German
LLM International Commercial Law
LLM International Trade Law
M Phil Law
LLM International Commercial and Maritime Law
LLM Law and Globalisation
MA Global Legal Orders and Law
MA Applied Criminal Justice and Criminology
LLB Law and Economics
LLB Law and Italian
LLB Law and Spanish
LLB Law and Criminology
B Sc Criminology and Social Policy
LLB Law and French
PhD Law
LLM International Business Law
Legal Practice Course
LLM International Maritime Law
LLM Legal Practice and Advanced Drafting
Post Graduate Diploma in Law
LLB Law and American Studies
LLB Law and History
LLB Law and Politics
LLB Law and Welsh
LLB Law with Business
MRes Communication Systems
EngD Steel Technology
M Phil Civil and Computational Engineering
M Phil Materials Engineering
MRes Photonic and Communication Systems
M Sc Aerospace Engineering
PGDip Chemical Engineering
M Sc Computational Mechanics
M Sc Electronics Technology for Sustainable Energy
MEng Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
MEng Electronics with Computing Science
MEng Telecommunication Engineering
BEng Electronics with Computer Science
BEng Sports Materials
B Sc Communications and Internet Technology
M Sc Chemical Engineering
BEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering
MEng Product Design Engineering
MEng Medical Engineering
BEng Materials Science and Engineering
MEng Computing
MEng Aerospace Engineering
MEng Mechanical Engineering
BEng Product Design Engineering
MEng Civil Engineering
MRes Computer Modelling in Engineering
EngD Structural Materials for Gas Turbines
M Phil Electronic Systems Design Engineering
M Phil Nanotechnology
MRes Steel Technology
PGCert Chemical Engineering
M Sc Communication Systems
M Sc Computational Modelling and Finite Elements
M Sc Materials Engineering
MEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering
MEng Nanoelectronics
BEng Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering
BEng Nanoelectronics
BEng Telecommunication Engineering
M Sc Computing and Software Technology
M Sc Electronic and Electrical Engineering
M Sc Civil Engineering
MEng Environmental Engineering
BEng Medical Engineering
MEng Materials Science and Engineering
BEng Aerospace Engineering
BEng Environmental Engineering
BEng Mechanical Engineering
M Sc Mechanical Engineering
BEng Civil Engineering
B Sc Computer Science
B Sc Audiology
B Sc Biology
B Sc Biochemistry
PhD Physics
B Sc Theoretical Physics
PhD Biological Science
M Phil Physics
B Sc Pure Mathematics
B Sc Marine Biology
Master of Physics
B Sc Mathematics with German
B Sc Mathematics and Physics
M Phil Mathematics
BScEcon American Studies and Social History
M Sc Mathematics and Computing for Finance
MRes Logic and Computation
M Sc Computing and Future Interaction Technologies
B Sc Sports Science
B Sc Clinical Physiology with Respiratory Physiology
B Sc Biological Science and Geography
B Sc Geography with European Studies
Diploma in Paramedic Science
B Sc Computer Science and Physics
B Sc Computer Science with German
B Sc Computer Science with Spanish
B Sc Computer Simulation in Materials
B Sc Computing with Finance
B Sc Mathematics and Geo-Informatics
B Sc Mathematics for Finance
B Sc Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology
B Sc Pure Mathematics and Computer Science
M Sc Econ Social Research
M Sc Sports Science
PhD Sports Science
M Phil Biological Science
MRes Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries
M Sc Environmental Dynamics and Climatic Change
M Sc Enhanced Professional Practice
M Sc Advanced Clinical Practice with Infection Control option
PGDip Advanced Clinical Practice with Infection Control option
PGCert Advanced Clinical Practice with Multidisciplinary
M Phil Sports Science
B Sc Medical Science and Humanities
B Sc Biological Science
B Sc Physics
B Sc Zoology
B Sc Mathematics
B Sc Genetics
M Phil Computer Science
B Sc Physical Geography
B Sc Applied Mathematics
PhD Mathematics
B Sc International Management Science
B Sc Mathematics with French
B Sc Mathematics with Spanish
MPhys Theoretical Physics
B Sc Physics with Nanotechnology
M Sc Modelling, Uncertainty and Data
MRes Computer Graphics, Visualisation and Virtual Environments
MRes Stochastic Processes
PGCert Infection Prevention and Control
HND Sports Science
B Sc Clinical Technology with Medical Physics
B Sc Geography and Geo-Informatics
B Sc Physical Earth Science
B Sc Computer Science and Geo-Informatics
BA Computer Science with French
B Sc Computer Science with Italian
B Sc Computer Science with Welsh
B Sc Computing and Communications
B Sc Mathematics with Welsh
B Sc Mathematics for Computer Science
B Sc Mathematics with Sport Science
B Sc Physics with Sports Science
M Sc Contemporary Conflict and Violence
M Sc Nanoscience to Nanotechnology
M Sc Sports Science with Management
MA Human Geography
MRes Aquatic Ecology and Conservation
M Sc Environmental Biology with Conservation and Resource Management
Doctorate in Professional Practice
M Sc Community Health Studies
PGCert Advanced Clinical Practice with Infection Control option
M Sc Advanced Clinical Practice with Multidisciplinary
PGDip Advanced Clinical Practice with Multidisciplinary
MRes Nanoscience to Nanotechnology
B Sc Biochemistry and Genetics
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